Children's Learning in Science - the nature of 'children's science'

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How is Imagery and language used in Othello to reveal things about the characters?

Shakespeare uses Imagery and language in the characters dialogue and this helps the audience to gain insight into those that are described and also reveals things about the character’s themselves.

In Act 2 the characters descriptions of Desdemona reveal how they perceive her as a person, and at a deeper level it reveals how they think about her.

Cassio speaks very fondly of Desdemona, almost exaggerating her beauty by describing her as

‘A maid that paragons description and wild fame, one that excels the quirks of blazoning pens’ and as ‘The divine Desdemona’. This poetic language expresses Cassio’s feelings of Desdemona and her beauty and because we know Iago’s plot to tell Othello they have been having an affair, speaking of her in this way helps Iago in convincing others.

It also reveals about Cassio that he is romantic and appreciative of writers and artists when he says ‘Does tire the ingener’ meaning it exhausts the mind of an artist to try and capture her beauty in words and descriptions.

However Iago may have a harder time convincing Roderigo of Cassio and Desdemona having an affair as Roderigo speaks of her as ‘She’s full of the most blessed condition’ This reveals the purity and innocence that is thought of about Desdemona, and this imagery helps to contrast against the evil and dark plot of Iago’s, making it seem all the more treacherous.

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This is shown throughout Iago’s speech more than any other characters through his frequent use of imagery connected to the devil and hell.

When Iago is describing to Roderigo in the first scene that Desdemona will fall out of love with Othello eventually, he says ‘Her eye must be fed, and what delight shall she have to look on the devil?’

Here he is saying that she will no longer lust after Othello and he is paralled with the Devil in connection to his dark skin. He is saying that she will realise that Othello is lacking in physical ...

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