Close reference to act 3 scene 2 (the mouse trap)

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Close reference to act 3 scene 2 (the mouse trap)

In this scene we see Hamlet completely different to how he appears to us previously, as the “man of words only”. Hamlet in the start of the scene explains to the actors of how to perform the play and keep it original and not to over act as that could give away the mere meaning of the play. This is the first time that we see Hamlet be organised about his plans of revenge. Hamlet calls the play a “mouse trap” he takes on the role of a revenger and is no longer passive. Hamlet starts of by attacking Ophelia with his strong insulting words. Later on he speaks up to Claudius and tells him that the play is called “the mouse trap” its his first hints to Claudius about revenge from him.

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         Hamlet before the play asks Horatio to keep and eye on him he says that he trusts him a lot, after noticing the reaction of Claudius while seeing the play Hamlet talks about how much disgust he is filled with and at once looks forward to attacking and killing Claudius.

“why let the stricken deer go weep”

he compares Claudius to a deer whose been hunted and that he should now just go and die, he talks to Horatio about the way Claudius was reacting and they both agree that Claudius has demonstrated ...

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