Comment on the techniques used by Poe in the short story 'The Tell-Tale Heart' and evaluate Poes success in the creating a supernatural story

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Comment on the techniques used by Poe in the short story 'The Tell-Tale Heart' and evaluate Poes success in the creating a supernatural story.

A young man who loathes another man because of his vulture like eye decides to kill him at night, while he sleeps. Poe uses derelict houses, death, darkness and night time which are all part of the gothic genre. To understand the story you need to know about the cultural, historical and social side of the story.

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    Poe's short story was influenced by Jack the ripper and the white chapel murders also at that time scientists were experimenting with drugs such as opium which changed peoples personalities. Most pre 1914 writers were on this drug which would explain why the narrator appears insane throughout the text.

      Poe uses the gothic elements such as death and darkness to add suspense and a scary feel to the piece. Also to add more suspense poe uses metaphors, similies, personification and symbolism.

      Poe uses these techniques to describe certain things in more detail ...

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