Commentary on a poor example of an essay on Hamlet's madness.

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Madison Shaw


        The Internet has always been a useful and fast source to acquire information on just about any topic, although, this public forum allows for anyone to express their own ideas and opinions. Finding information on the internet that is relevant to a certain topic may seem to be true, however, whether that information should be cited is dependent on the source and the reliability of that source. When writing an essay, it is very useful to research information on the essay topic prior to writing it to further understand. Many people read information on a website and if it related to their topic, they will automatically use that information in their essay. If not taking great care of the information being absorbed, this will result in the false information from the internet being regurgitated. The essay that is being analyzed is about the Shakespeare play, Hamlet, and the idea that his madness is not an act but more so reality. It is evident through the style and the content of the essay that the author has not fully understood the play and did not use a reliable source on the internet to further understand the topic at hand.


        The style throughout this essay is both unorganized and unclear. The author is very vague with the statements that are made, by not providing the proof needed to support the points. The author is attempting to persuade the reader into believing that madness is Hamlet’s true feeling and that it is not an act. However, throughout the essay the author tends to contradict themselves by saying things such as: “Hamlet is actually mad and is a little on the insane side at times”. The author starts off by saying that Hamlet is indefinitely mad due to the traumatic events, then proceeds to contradict that by saying that it is only at times. The author also lacks an ability to transition correctly. For example, in the seventh paragraph the author starts off by relating Hamlet’s supposed madness to Ophelia, and without any form of transition introduces Laertes into the essay. A major downfall that the author had when writing this essay is that of the many characters discussed throughout were not introduced. The author did not take into consideration the fact that some readers may not have read the play and need further clarification.

        The incoherency and confusion that the writer displays, provides proof that their understanding of the play is not very         precise. By the use of wild generalizations and the inability to support the points that were stated, it is evident that little knowledge is known of the play and its meaning. At certain parts of this essay the author uses examples from the play to support the points made, however these examples do not provide any support to the point the author is attempting to prove. For example, when discussing the ‘act’ of madness that Hamlet portrays earlier on in the play, the author says, “maybe he doesn't want Gertrude to think he is losing it”, this makes it evident that the author does not fully understand Hamlet’s act of madness. Hamlet chooses to put on a facade in order to avoid Claudius viewing Hamlet as a threat to him and his royal position. Gertrude’s opinion of Hamlet’s madness is essentially irrelevant to Hamlet, this act is merely for Claudius and his followers.

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        There are many problems that are evident in this essay regarding Hamlet’s ‘madness’. One of the most apparent and primary problems is that not once throughout the entire essay does the author define what madness is. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines madness as “the quality or state of being mad”. People do not simply just go mad, there are aspects in a person’s life that mentally captivate them to become mad. For example, throughout the essay the author is very vague when speaking about Hamlet’s madness by saying that because he is depressed and is considering suicide, he is mad. ...

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