Comparative Essay on Mid Term Break and Death of a Naturalist

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Writing a comparative poetry essay

Example question

Read the poem Mid Term Break in which Heaney writes about life and loss. Choose one other poem written by Heaney which also deals with these themes. Compare how the two poems deal with Heaney’s thoughts and feelings.

In the poem “Mid Term Break” Heaney deals with his thoughts and feelings on life and loss.  These ideas are also addressed in “Death of a Naturalist”. The poet utilises a range of poetic techniques to convey the demise of his childhood and the disruption of natural order. The portrayal of death in the poems connote the poet’s feeling that life is futile; these themes combine to present Heaney’s feelings on life and loss.

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Primarily, Heaney portrays the demise of his childhood in “Mid Term Break”, clearly presenting his dejected, sullen and resigned feelings towards life in the event of loss. The image of time and death in stanza one, “I sat all morning…counting bells knelling…at two o’clock” clearly show his sense of logical reminiscence during a particularly morbid time in his life. The juxtaposition of the morning and the symbolic death bells represent the premature end to his brother’s life and the destruction of his own childhood. This shows sullen resignation towards the event of loss in his life. This childhood demise is ...

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