This part they are non-judgemental about each other and after the party he took her down to the ‘Old Docks’ which were disused and quoted as ‘Blind’ because there was nobody watching as the buildings were boarded up and deserted.
This poem is very male dominated and it shows by the way the boy made the girl drunk by drinking vodka to seduce her and have sex, but she also drank the vodka like water to impress him so I feel it’s partly her fault.
He only uses her for sex because he doesn’t care about her anymore, when he mutters ‘Little Slag’ under his breath right in front of her face is an example of this.
Andrew Marvell is showing plenty of passion by the wording he uses during the next set of lines. When he mentions ten years before the flood he’s referring to the story of Noah’s arc which is a part belonging to the Genesis section in the Bible. He then he adds 'Till the conversion of the Jews'. Those two religious references are just a way to tell her that he would love and praise her during a very long time before getting into any kind of sexual way with her. The flood part happened sometime after creation. The conversion of the Jews is supposed to happen before Arises. That's the hint that Andrew Marvell is using. I feel that Andrew Marvell could take things slowly with her if that is what she wants, then that is what she should have. He is committed to the surrender, a conquest that can only come about as a result of him fully satisfying her and, no doubt it is his objective to satisfy her, though it may take a long time; and he would take pleasure throughout the long wait. At this point there appears to be a dramatic shift in tempo were it enters a different tense of writing style.
In the second part of ‘The Seduction’ there is time gap between them of three months and we find out the girl is pregnant and the boy is no were to be seen. Most of the time the girl is unhappy and it quotes ‘she sobbed in the cool locked darkness of her room’.
We later realise that she was tricked by a horoscope in a girl’s magazine. Through this trickery she ripped up the magazines and through them in the air, which it then spread out like confetti, and the word confetti is also used as meaning to deceive. One of the other things that let her down was her lucky white shoes that she was wearing at the party; every time she wore them they were lucky.
Consequently the shoes and magazines failed on her and she feels cheated on.
It then uses a pun in the poem when it mentions ‘sickened’, because it means annoyed as well as physically.
The pregnancy cost her the summer because all her friends are having a good time, by cramming into a photo booth whereas she’s stuck in her room.
Because of the pregnancy she gains knowledge and faces reality in life.
Wherever she goes now she gets horrible looks and feels unwanted as the rumours about her spread around. She starts to feel suicidal and thinks about overdoses and killing herself. She wants to go into void and never seen again, because she’d rather die than be no one. The girl attempts to kill the baby through starving herself and it makes her feel disgusted with herself.
Later the girl decides to disappear rather than commit suicide because wherever she goes to won’t know the facts that the Merseyside do. She will fell refreshed and she will be ‘ripe and ready’ to produce the baby. She could lie about why she’s pregnant if anyone asks, so there’s a new life ahead of her and the baby if she decides to take it.
One of the points in the second section of ‘To His Coy Mistress’ is that the parts about death and the tomb are important factors in this section of the poem. To shock his lady out of her coyness and to force her to take action, Andrew Marvell describes a future when her beauty would have passed. The speaker also highlights that he will not be in the tomb with her, and she will be utterly alone. Whilst being alone Marvell says the ‘worms’ will make her lose her virginity by crawling in and out.
The overall impression of Andrew Marvell’s intention in this poem is to trick a woman into having sex with him by all means.
In the last section it shows that they belong together and to be left uninterrupted. Andrew Marvell is desperate for this woman. He cannot wait, he begs her not to put off sexual agreement. He expressively points out that the cares of the moment do not matter as time is slowly by.
I feel that all three sections of ‘To His Coy Mistress’ offers a particular view of gender relations, women are silent objects of men's desires, and men use their education and verbal skills to attempt to defeat or even obtain women sexually.
In the poem ‘The Seduction’ Eileen McAuley portrays the way of life and the feelings you would have if you were a girl in that situation. Its partly sad but rewarding because it may make a decision for you in later life. I sense that the poem is autobiographical with the description given throughout the poem.