Compare and contrast The Signalman and A Lamb To The Slaughter

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Compare and contrast

The Signalman and A Lamb To The Slaughter

A Lamb to the slaughter is based on the relationship of a married couple that we assume are expecting a child. “Her skin…for this was her sixth month with a child”

We also assume that her husband Mr Maloney is having an affair. “Of course I’ll give you money and see you’re looked after.  But there isn’t needn’t really be any fuss.  I hope not anyway.  It wouldn’t be very good for my job.” This makes Mr Maloney appear to be very selfish and uncaring towards his wife and his own child. This is Mary Maloney’s motive for killing her husband. Her weapon is one she didn’t really think about using. It was just happened to be there. It was a frozen leg of lamb, which is later fed to the investigating officers. This is very amusing and is a very interesting twist because it is not something you would expect to happen.

After Mary kills her husband she goes to the local shop to create herself an alibi. This is very quick thinking and it makes us wonder if anyone will notice that anything is wrong.

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The story is opened using words such as ‘warm’ and ‘clean’ and the atmosphere seams very homely. “The room was warm and clean, the curtains drawn, the two table lamps alight – hers and the one by the empty chair opposite.  On the sideboard behind her, two tall glasses, soda water, whisky.  Fresh ice cubes in the Thermos Bucket.” 

Suspense is introduced when Mr Maloney comes home from work. Mary greets him with ‘Hullo darling!’ and he replies with a simple ‘Hullo’. This makes us wonder if there are any problems between the couple. This intrigues us to read ...

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