Compare how the past reveals feelings about a place in Nothings Changed with the ways another poet reveals feelings about a place or places in one other poem.

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Nidhia Babu 10C

Essay Question: Compare how the past reveals feelings about a place in “Nothing’s Changed” with the ways another poet reveals feelings about a place or places in one other poem.

Nobody can help have feelings- they are a part of everyone. We feel differently towards an issue as different things happen to us. Feelings do not change with time. What we feel as a child stays with us even when we are older. Feelings can be positive or negative. The poets Tatamkhula Afrika and Grace Nichols are both trying to deliver a similar message about feelings.

In the poem Nothing’s changed, the poet is feeling anger towards the white people even though the Apartheid had been finished.

“District Six. No board say it…. And the hot, white, inward turning anger of my eyes.”

This shows that the poet is feeling ferocity towards the People in District Six. This can be said because “District Six” has been written as a short, expletive sentence, which is full of anger.

“No board says it: but my feet know” This shows that even though Apartheid has ended and all the boards which differentiate the black community from the white community have been removed, the poet still feels secluded from the community. “And my hands, and the skin about my bones, and the soft labouring of my lungs, and the hot, white, inward turning anger of my eyes.” This shows that as he is walking along, his anger is building up. This anger is a physical bodily reaction, which he feels, and his whole body id rejecting the place. His anger spreads from his hands to his skin, to his lungs, to the hot white inward turning anger of his eyes. This can be noticed because the sentences are turning longer and longer as his anger builds up.

In contrast with Nothing’s Changed, Nichols in Island Man also talks about her feelings about a place where she had grown up as a child. The difference here is that these feelings are positive rather than negative. Nichols feels pleasure imagining that he is still in his childhood home in Jamaica.

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“Morning and the Island Man wakes up to the sound of the blue surf……the steady breaking and wombing.”

This shows that the Island Man is dreaming about sleeping in Jamaica. He is happily waking up on his Island, which is his childhood home. He is waking up to the sound of the blue surf. The word ‘blue’ is used here to describe the surf. Blue is a lively colour that shows that his island is vivid and vibrant.

“Wakes up to the sound of the blue surf in his head.” In this quote, the sounds of the ‘s’, sibilance ...

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A very good essay. Detailed and perceptive analysis of poetic techniques used by both poets. Accurate and thorough analysis of language using correct poetic terminology. Most comments are supported by references to poems. Explores and discusses meaning thoroughly. Shows knowledge of social and historical context. A few lapses in expression and needs a conclusion to summarise exploration of both poems.