Darren Preston September 2002
Compare the male characters in ‘Tony Kytes’ the arch deceiver and Spiv in love consider their personalities and their relationships with the women in the stories. Refer to social, cultural and historical contexts of the stories.
The story of Tony Kytes arch deceiver was written by the author Thomas Hardy who was born in 1840 meaning that this piece of writing is old and aged and some of the language used can be linked with the timing and nature of the author himself. Thomas Hardy was about was writing in the mid 19th century, he describes life in that time, in a village in south west England we know that at this time children did not listen to their fathers advise we know this because Tony’s father advises him to marry Milly so Tony put Milly at the bottom of the list. The story is set in rural Dorset and this fact can be backed up with the language that is used with the Dorset dialect being highly prominent. The story is about a character called Tony Kytes who is highly favorable with the women and the main part of the story is based around this. In the Tony Kytes story are six characters, the four main ones being Tony and the three young ladies. The one we get to know best of all is Tony. Through his conversation with the girls, he reveals himself as being an indecisive, weak but well meaning character.
One of the clearest signs that he cannot choose between his women is that towards the end of the story he asks each of the women in turn if they will marry him, Milly who was his last choice accepts him “well, will you Unity dear, will you be mine” this shows that he doesn’t really mind who he marries at least he will end up with “a women” which in Tony’s eyes are looked upon as a thing and nothing special, so any of the three will do. But Unity does not want to be second choice after Hannah. We know this because she says, “take her leavings,not I!” He finds it difficult to refuse any of the women including Milly, Unity, and Hannah Jolliver, all of which are not very diverse and all own the same feature of liking Tony Kytes. Unity and Hannah take advantage of the weakness of Tony’s character and encourage Tony to flatter and deceive through the two women being very flirtatious At the time it was a social expectation to get married. The women were scared of becoming thought of as too old and being ‘placed on the shelf’.