Compare the methods Denise Levertov uses to present a particular culture in “What were They Like?” with the methods another poet uses to present a culture or cultures in one other poem
In both poems it is noticeable that both are composed to present a particular culture. For example, “What were they like?” by Denise Levertov presents a particular culture by the use of questioning this is particularly highlighted by question 1 “Did the people of Vietnam use lanterns of stone?” The use of questioning distinguishes and highlights the difference in the two cultures in particular the Vietnamese and the Americans. This is particularly useful because one can assume that it’s used in order to show the two different cultures communicating with each other. For example, the questioning is done by an American soldier and the answers declared by a Vietnamese person which one can assume is translated by an American. This can be highlighted by the reader as in the answer to question 1 it uses at the beginning the word “Sir” which could be deliberately emphasised by the poet to present the misinterpretation by the two cultures in language and in war.
The poet may have also used the word “Sir” in order to highlight the American culture as intimidating and fierce as the Americans were destroying peasants which can be highlighted in answer 5. As it declares “remember most were peasants” highlighting that the Americans were wiping out villages with the latest western technology while in contrast the people of Vietnam were just normal peasants who were content with living with nature “When peaceful clouds were reflected in the paddies.” This emphasises that the two cultures have little knowledge of each other by Levertov using questions and answers. Furthermore, this style of writing in the poem shows that this war was pointless due to the simple misunderstanding of two contrasting and striking cultures. Ferlinghetti who composed “Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes” presents the American culture during the 1960’s. In this poem it highlights that in America a supposed Democratic country there is huge contrast. This is particularly highlighted by emphasising in the poem wealth and poverty. Such words as “small gulf in the high seas of this democracy” highlights the rich and poor are next to each other. However, there is a huge contrast in the style of living which is indicated by the title “Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes” and “Two Scavengers in a Truck.”