Compare the opening scene of Macbeth by the Royal Shakespeare Company with that of Polanski's film production.

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Compare the opening scene of Macbeth by the Royal Shakespeare Company with that of Polanski’s film production. Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s ‘tragedies’ and is a story of a  struggle between good and evil. It is about a Thane of Scotland, also a commander in the army  who murders his friend and King of Scotland, Duncan in his lust for power. Macbeth commits these crimes partly because of his wife’s ambition and greed, in the end he is destroyed because he feels so guilty and is over ridden by fear. The story is an example of power at the expense of everything else, Macbeth  begins the play as a strong character who is greatly admired by the people of Scotland, however as the play progresses Macbeth's personality and actions become more and more deceitful which eventually leads to his downfall. Following the murder of Duncan, Macbeth realises that this evil deed has put him into the control of demon forces which are the enemy of mankind therefore proving the witches prophecies to be correct, “ But ‘tis strange, and oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths; Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s in deepest consequence” Macbeth feels that after this deed has taken place he has cut himself off from God. Before the murder the play is full of references talking about things being divine and holy but after this has taken
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place the text takes a more bleak tone. "Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had liv'd a blessed time" Act2 Scene 3.                                       The first scene is the most important in any play and Shakespeare by no means at all fails in the first scene of Macbeth. Although this scene is only a brief encounter with the witches it sets the atmosphere of evil and mystery, arouses the suspense of the audience, provides us with information about the witches, presents the audience and image of evil and also tells us that there a battle taking place, “When ...

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