Comparing between Freedom and Lady of Shalott

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Comparing between Freedom and Lady of Shalott

In both poems, Freedom and Lady of Shalott, the titles are quite mysterious, as they don’t give much information as to what the poem is about.  When reading Freedom, we thought the poem would be about cages and being locked up.  However, the poem turns out to be about love and relationships.  We were surprised because love is thought to be good.  The same happened when we read The Lady of Shalott, as it is a mysterious name, which only suggests that it is about a lady.  After reading the poem we were surprised because the poem starts of being about cages and being locked up, but then changes and combines with love.  When this happens we can see that both writers have the same opinion that love is painful and hurts.  Although in freedom he talks about love being confined whereas in some way Lady of Shalott says that love sets you free.  However, both writers express that love has consequences.  

Freedom is arranged effectively on the page as it is all in one verse.  Although this poem is short, it doesn’t matter because he gives us all the information.  It suits being like this because it gets straight to the point he wants us to know about.  Because this poem is set out like this it shows that he doesn’t want you to question his views or think about them, he just want you to accept them.  Also the way it is laid out creates an avalanche effect, which keeps the poem rolling, not giving you time to think about what you have just read, in a way that s paragraph would do.  The only difference about this poem is that the last two lines, which indent. This creates a little time for you to take in what the writer has told you but not enough time to think, question or contradict what he has said.  Also in the last two lines the rhyming scheme changes.  In the rest of the poem it was a, b, a, b, “free, pain, see, plain”, whereas in the last two lines it changes to rhyme in every line, “plod, God”.  This creates an ending to the poem as it changes and gives the definitive ending to his “story”.

This poem is also discreet.  Although it tells you exactly what he is feeling, he does it conspicuously so you have to work it out.  He does this by using metaphors to describe the way he feels.  This is effective because, although it is written in a way so that you can’t think about it, he uses powerful metaphors, which most people, at sometime in their life, can relate to.  The poem is also laid out in a specific way.  By looking at this we can see that it is not actually a poem, but a prayer.  We can also see that it has simultaneous repetition in six of the lines and he also uses the same sentence structure.  The lines start of with “I have been” which we can see is written in the past tense, whereas in the middle of the sentence he writes “and now” which is written in the present tense.  As these tenses change so do the metaphors.  After the comma the metaphor become the opposite and gives his feeling at that point.  This is useful especially as the metaphor used is powerful and accessible.  The strongest metaphors can be the easiest to relate to.  One example of this is lost.  This is a very strong metaphor as it can mean many different things either physically or mentally.  It is easy to relate to because we have all either felt lost or been lost as a child.  When we unravelled the metaphor it triggered lots of memories and feelings that associated with the poem.  This shows this is a strong metaphor, as is torture.  Although not many of us will have been tortured it is a common worry on the news and many people could imagine what it was like.  However, when the metaphor was reversed we could then associate more with it and Jan Struther.  The opposite of being lost was “my way lies plain”.  The best feeling is when you know where you are going and what you are doing.  The opposite of tortured was “I am eased of pain”.  Again when we felt better after an illness we are happy.  We know that tortured is a million times worse that being ill, therefore we know that being eased of pain must have been a million times better.  This shows us how relieved Jan Struther is to be out of love.  By comparing the before and after feeling it strengthens the metaphor and makes it seem like a heart-felt poem.  This however is not the case.  The poem is a harsh and brutal poem about demeaning people’s ideas of love, but can trigger lost feelings.

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The repetition of this poem is a major part especially after discovering that it is indeed a prayer.  Because of the amount of repetition in it, it may remind us of a litany.  This is a special part of a church service where the priest chants and the people respond repeatedly.  By using the link up with a church service and by using a prayer it makes people take the poem more seriously and maybe believe it more.  Also by referring to himself being God in the last line “was once a God”, the religiousness of love and the ...

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