Second Paragraph
Sir Arthur Canan Doyle wrote the speckled band in the eighteen-eighty’s it was later published. Sir Arthur Canan Doyle stories are well known for his famous characters such as the dective Sherlock Holmes and his trusty sidkick Dr watson they always solve their cases and they are always precedent.
Third Paragraph
Pactric Monly was the victim in Lambs to the Slaughter, Pactric Monly is acting odd so she knows something is wrong. He was drinking heavaliy so that’s how she knows things are wrong he wants no dinner and theirs no communication between them.
Forth Paragraph
Julia stoner and Helan stoner are the victim in the speckled band because they are being victimsied by Roylott. Julia is already dead, Helen thinks she will be killed in exactally the same way. We first meet Helen when she goes to see Mr Holmes
“its fear, Mr Holmes. Its terror” and another
Quote “her face all drawn and Greay, with restless, frightned eyes. Like those of some hunted animals.” This is how teffried she was .
Fifth paragraph
Mary was a regulare house wife who cooked for and supported for her husband I quote from story
“there was a slow smiling air about everything she did. The drop of the head as she bent over her sewing was couriously tranquil. Her skin for this was her sixth month with child had a wonderful transluent quality the mouth was soft, and the eyes, with their now placid look seemed larger, darker then before.” From this we can tell that Mary maloney is a peacful woman, she wouldent harm a fly usually. Her motive was revenge; He hurt her so she wanted to hurt him because he hurt her.
Doctor Roylott is a suspicious man because he goes round to Holems home and threatens him saying that if he medles in his busness