Comparison Essay between "Out-Out" and "Disabled" by Wilfred Owen and Robert Frost.

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Comparison Essay Of “Out-Out” and “Disabled”.

        Both Wilfred Owen and Robert Frost use techniques such as careful diction, imagery and sentence structure to convey their agendas. They both outline how a single even can end the childhood of a young man prematurely and what effect it has on both of their lives. The two poems stimulate a sense of pity within us and furthermore, Owen stimulates a sense of outrage that men are allowed to join the army below the set age. Both poets use graphic description and effective diction as a means to stimulate a sense of horror within the reader.

        Both poets use an omniscient narrator to give the reader a larger overview of all of the events. By using an omniscient narrator it enables the reader to know all of the characters’ feelings and this would not have been possible by using a first or second person narrator. Interestingly Frost changes the speaker during his poem to the first person. This change in narrator is very effective as it highlights the sudden harsh realisation of the situation the young man is in. It is also a very dramatic change in direction within the poem because before this change in narrator, the poem had been neutral and non-judgmental but now, the narrator’s own opinion comes to the fore and  this changes how we view the poem. For example, the narrator says: “I wish they had said” which is an opinion of the narrator. Previously we had felt more detached and distanced from the events because of the omniscient narrator but because of this change and because of the introduction of opinions it starts to become more judgmental and feel more real. Owen uses an omniscient narrator throughout the poem and this does distance us from the events that occur but not so much so that we do not feel the emotion that the character feels.

        A major similarity between the poems is that they both outline how much of a tragic waste it was to loose a young man and how appalling it was that their childhood is taken away from them. “Disabled” reveals how a single event can damage a person physically but it may damage them more psychologically. Owen emphasises how tragic it is that even though the young man has survived war, he resents the fact he is in a wheelchair so much that he would rather die. than carry on living the way he is. The character in “Disabled” has long term physiological problems, however in “Out-Out” the fate of the character is much swifter and sharper. Frost displays how life carries on as normal after the young man dies. Frost’s poem is much quicker and “to-the-point” than “Disabled” and I feel Frost does this to show how quickly the character died. For example, the last sentence, “And they, since they were not the one dead, turned to their affairs”, ends very suddenly and this resembles the sudden death of this young man and how quickly a tragic event, such as this, can happen. Also, Frost highlights the attitude of the people who were not effected by the death of the young man. Frost uses one last medium sized sentence to calmly bring the poem to a close. Frost is highlighting how outrageous it is that the people around the character simply carry on with their normal lives after seeing a young man die. Also, “Disabled” shows how the attitude of the general public has changed since 1915. “Disabled” describes how this young man is shut away, for example, “Some cheered him home, but not as crowds cheer goal” tells us how a few people would celebrate their soldiers but it wouldn’t have been as heartfelt as if they were cheering when someone scored a goal in football. “Now, he will spend a few sick years in Institutes” supports my point further as it almost displays how there was almost a routine managing of these returned soldiers and how people thought that they were not fit to go back into society and so they should be shut away. Now, the whole country cheers for our armed forces when they return and there is a sense of pride about these servicemen. “Disabled” shows how the opinion of the public changes over time towards British servicemen. Also, neither poem is exclusively linked to a particular time , for example “Disabled” is set in 1915 during the war and it deals with the issue of a young man dying in a very horrific and graphic way. Today this is still relevant because people would still be horrified at the death of such a young man in such a horrific way. Even though the poem is set in 1915 the ideas and feelings are timeless.

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        Both poets use structure throughout their poems to support their meanings. ‘Ou-Out” is written as one long stanza as it is one simple fast incident. There is no reason to divide it up as it is almost written in real time and there is no need for paragraphing. However in ‘Disabled’ Owen breaks up the narrative by parcelling up different events into sections. Owen does this as it allows the character to go back and forth in time very easily, this would not have been possible in ‘Out-Out’ because it is one event that happens in a matter of a ...

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