"Comparison of 4 different poems with different aspects"

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How do the poems 'The Eagle', 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love',

'Composed Upon Westminster Bridge. September 3, 1802 and 'London'

examine the contrasting aspects of life in the city and countryside?

In this essay i will be writing about four different poems. Two of them are based about the city and two are written about the countryside. The poems are 'The Eagle' by Alfred Lloyd Tennyson (1809-92), 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love' by Christopher Marlowe (1564-93), 'Composed Upon Westminster Bridge' by William Wordsworth (1770-1850) and 'London' by William Blake (1757-1827). The poems written about the city are 'Composed Upon Westminster Bridge' and 'London' while the poems written about the countryside are 'The Eagle' and 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love'. In this essay i will be exploring any similarities and differences between the different views presented in the poems and i will be using quotes from the poem and explaining them.

The first poem that i will be describing in this essay is 'The Eagle'. 'The Eagle' is a poem that is based towards the nature of the countryside and it is about a wild and dangerous bird that lives in a rugged but a beautiful habitat, the tone of the poem is respectful and admiring.  There are many ways which nature is presented in the poem. Tennyson uses lots of linguistic devices to describe this, one example is the quotation ' Like a thunderbolt he falls' which is a similie that show that the bird is swift and powerful and this presents nature as it is describing what the bird is like i.e. the eagle. Another example is when Tennyson personifies the sea to be human by using 'The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls' which is suggesting that the sea is less powerful than the eagle itself which is describing nature with a bad point to it. Tennyson also uses alliteration in the first line of the poem with the words 'clasps', 'crag' and 'crooked' which are words to describe the bird in its environment which is used for effect and descirbes nature as having a precarious balance. The poet also uses more alliteration by using the phrase 'lonely lands' which is pathetic fallay which suggests that the lands have feelings and are vast and deserted, This also suggests that the countryside is a lonely place and not a lot of people live there. He also describes  the eagle as " close to the sun" which shows the enormity of the landscape. This also gives an indication of the size of the mountain the bird is sitting on. The poet also suggests that nature is rugged which means that nature has bad points, he also describes nature as ancient and very powerful with the old fashioned language like "azure world" which is a positive explanation of nature and he uses powerful language like the "wrinkled sea" which also shows nature as ancient.  In the poem there is also social context which refers to when the poem was written. The poem was written at the time of the Industrial Revolution which meant that cities were overcrowded and it meant that living in the countryside was much more peaceful. This presents the countryside as lonely as on line 2 there is description of the countryside being "lonely lands" which made day time seem like night as nights are more known for being lonely.  Tennyson describes the sky as the "azure world" which means that the sky was bright blue and beautiful. The structure of the poem is 2 stanzas with 3 lines which is a short poem but has lots of description about nature, the rhyme scheme of the poem is aaa, bbb which are rhyming triplets for effect. The rhythm of the poem is that he uses 8 sylabbles per line. The reasons for the poet writing in this way is that he wanted the oem to be effective and wanted to get the image and effect across to the readers. The poem presents a realistic view of the countryside. It is realistic as it descirbes a lot of bad points in the poem by saying it is wild, untamed and irregular. It also says that it can be beautiful aswell as it has not been spoiled by people. This compares to a modern view of the countryside as today the countryside is seen as a more beautiful place as there are quite a few people living there today. Tennyson's view of the countryside is that it has lots of bad points but can be a nice place aswell and his view of the city is that it is overcrowded but is a place that a lot of people live in.

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The next poem that i will be describing is ' The Passionate Shepherd To His Love'. 'The Passionate Shepherd To His Love' is a poem that is abot a shepherd that is trying to persuade his love to live with him in the countryside. The tone of the poem is very sentimental which also means that the poem also has a romantic tone to it. Nature is presented in a certain way in the poem. The countryside itself is also describes as a pastoral picture as this is shown in the second stanza in the poem as he ...

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