Comparison of "of mice & men" film to the novel.

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Comparison of “of mice & men” film to the novel


“Of Mice and Men” was written by the author John Steinbeck and published in England in 1937. It tells the story of two very contrasting characters trying to live out the American dream in the farming lands of North California. “ A few miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in close to the hill-side bank and runs deep and green”. The novel starts with a description of the location George and Lennie are staying the night, “On the sandy bank under the trees the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering if he runs among them”. This quote tells us that the mood is very quiet and peaceful. Steinbeck uses a great deal of description including metaphors and similes to describe the landscape around him. These give us a clear vivid picture of the natural world surrounding the characters. This technique is used in the first and last scenes in the forest near the river. This scene is remembered the most clearly as its placed at the two crucial points where readers will be reading every word in detail to gain a good understanding of the book.

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The film adaptation of John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men” opens with scenes of a woman in a red dress, running through fields in desperate escape from some undefined terror. Her flight frames the movie, as though she is running, headlong, into the nameless dread of the future. As it turns out, the woman is in fact running from Lennie, and Lennie and George are running from her protectors. In the novel, we do not become aware of exactly what happens to cause her fear until chapter three, when George is speaking with Slim, the skinner. Difference within sequence of ...

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This essays makes lots of statements about the film and the book but doesn't look at the comparisons in presentations in enough detail. It would have been better to develop each point in more detail and consider them fully for both the text and the film; even if this had meant fewer points were covered, the ones that were would have been in depth. 3 Stars