Comparison of the poems Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas and Return to the headland by Tony Curtis.

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Comparison of the poems Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas and Return to the headland by Tony Curtis

Ozhan O’Sullivan

The two poems are both based on the death of the writers’ fathers. Each poet’s experience and view of death is very different however. In examining and comparing both poems I will state the differences and similarities that emerge.

Looking first at the titles, Dylan Thomas’s is dynamic and sends a message to his father.  The title could be seen as a plea.  It gives the impression that Dylan is helpless in the face of his father’s death and that he has resorted to pleading to him.  In contrast Curtis’s title tells us where the poem is set and acts as a quick preview.  We can tell from the title that Curtis  is returning to the headland so he has obviously been there before and has past memories.

The fact that the poets build their contents on the death of their fathers  causes a similarity in their emotions. However their views of their fathers’ are very different.  Thomas wrote the poem when his father was facing death and openly shows his rage due to the frustration and sadness of losing his father. He believes his father should “rave” and struggle to try and fight death, “Old age should rave and burn at close of day “. Dylan Thomas’s frustration is brought on him by the fact that he wants his father to show the same fighting determination as he does, but instead his father has accepted death and does not desire to display such rage to try and survive, “Though wise men at their end, know dark is right”. Dylan also shows a fearful respect of his father, “Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears.”  We know that Dylan wanted to be a poet and to try and make his father proud of his work. This could explain why Dylan is so desperate for his father to fight death.  He obviously loves him and maybe still wants to make his father proud of his poetry skills.

In contrast, Curtis wrote his elegy after his father’s death. However it is an usual elegy in that he does not show much sorrow following his father’s death. Curtis’s poem is based on the day of the funeral. Unlike Dylan, he has accepted and comes to terms with the fact of death in his poem. He realises he has lost his father but does not want to romanticise the death, “It would be easy to construct a myth.” Curtis represents an angel as heaven and ogres as hell. He makes it clear he does not agree in religious beliefs about an afterlife, “There seems no point in angels or ogres.”  He then goes on to say that “The dead goes where we send them” , telling us that he believes the dead go where we wish them to go in our minds, because there is no way of proving where they truly go.

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Both poems have themes of death. Dylan Thomas focuses on the period of life leading to death.  He believes there is no afterlife, because he refers to death as the “good night”. This is another reason why he is so determined to push his father to fight death ; he believes that nothing follows death and that life is everything.  Curtis on the other hand is much more agnostic in that he believes the “soul” to live on. This could explain why Curtis does not show as much as sorrow as Thomas because he thinks there is more to ...

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