Compose and Contrast the two heroes in 'The Sextons Hero' by Elizabeth Gaskell and 'Old Mrs Chundle' by Thomas Hardy
The question, which has been set, is about heroism so I will start the essay by giving my personal opinion of a hero and the dictionary definition of a hero.
The dictionary definition of a hero is 'a man or boy who is admired for doing something very brave or great'. This definition is very close to my own definition apart from I believe that a hero is also someone who people can look up to as a mentor or as a role model.
The Sextons Hero
Firstly The Sextons Hero is a story about a sexton (digs graves for a living) who has a friend with whom he has known for most of his life but they get separated when they both fall for the same woman. Gilbert (his friend) is challenged by the sexton to a fight only to be turned down as Gilbert is a religious man and finds fighting wrong. He is latter rejected by his love Letty and the Sexton marries her and they bare child. But later on when they are both visiting family without the baby they are caught crossing a bay when the tide come in and looks destined to kill them both only for Gilbert to come and rescues them and thus kill himself so that the baby may have its mother and father.
Gilbert is a very stereotypical hero as he is six feet tall, broad and is very sporty. This is the more thought of sought of person when the word hero is mentioned rather than some one who replace broad with brains like in the Curates tale.
You learn of how Gilbert grows up with the Sexton as they had the same job grew up in the same place and both had similar education. The job which they both had was copping which is where you make barrels you learn here of how mighty Gilbert is as the Sexton says of how he would put his best leg forward and still wouldn't match Gilbert. This is a statement, which shows that the Sexton views him as a superior to him even before he did this great dead for him.
Gilberts life changes for the worse when the Sexton and he meet Letty and they both seem to instantly fall for her. The problem arises when the Sexton finally challenges Gilbert for a fight over Letty. But Gilbert has turned to religion and sees there is no need for fighting. This proves his intelligence as he can rise above the barbaric tendencies to solve problems and wants to converse using his intelligence to fight his battles. This also proves that he has lots of morals, which he is not ashamed to stand by.
Subsequently he is treated badly and ridiculed but he turns more heavily to religion to endure his pain. Even Letty who has been kind to him in the past even turns on him as she refuses to even speak with him and leaves him in uncommunicativeness. She also gives Gilbert his flowers back, which he gives her to win her heart over with. Because of this rejection it forces Gilbert to turn fully to his faith.
The question, which has been set, is about heroism so I will start the essay by giving my personal opinion of a hero and the dictionary definition of a hero.
The dictionary definition of a hero is 'a man or boy who is admired for doing something very brave or great'. This definition is very close to my own definition apart from I believe that a hero is also someone who people can look up to as a mentor or as a role model.
The Sextons Hero
Firstly The Sextons Hero is a story about a sexton (digs graves for a living) who has a friend with whom he has known for most of his life but they get separated when they both fall for the same woman. Gilbert (his friend) is challenged by the sexton to a fight only to be turned down as Gilbert is a religious man and finds fighting wrong. He is latter rejected by his love Letty and the Sexton marries her and they bare child. But later on when they are both visiting family without the baby they are caught crossing a bay when the tide come in and looks destined to kill them both only for Gilbert to come and rescues them and thus kill himself so that the baby may have its mother and father.
Gilbert is a very stereotypical hero as he is six feet tall, broad and is very sporty. This is the more thought of sought of person when the word hero is mentioned rather than some one who replace broad with brains like in the Curates tale.
You learn of how Gilbert grows up with the Sexton as they had the same job grew up in the same place and both had similar education. The job which they both had was copping which is where you make barrels you learn here of how mighty Gilbert is as the Sexton says of how he would put his best leg forward and still wouldn't match Gilbert. This is a statement, which shows that the Sexton views him as a superior to him even before he did this great dead for him.
Gilberts life changes for the worse when the Sexton and he meet Letty and they both seem to instantly fall for her. The problem arises when the Sexton finally challenges Gilbert for a fight over Letty. But Gilbert has turned to religion and sees there is no need for fighting. This proves his intelligence as he can rise above the barbaric tendencies to solve problems and wants to converse using his intelligence to fight his battles. This also proves that he has lots of morals, which he is not ashamed to stand by.
Subsequently he is treated badly and ridiculed but he turns more heavily to religion to endure his pain. Even Letty who has been kind to him in the past even turns on him as she refuses to even speak with him and leaves him in uncommunicativeness. She also gives Gilbert his flowers back, which he gives her to win her heart over with. Because of this rejection it forces Gilbert to turn fully to his faith.