Conflict in Romeo and Juliet

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Preparation work for Controlled assessment

Conflict means to be at odds with, to differ, fight or have strong disagreement. Therefore conflict has to have at least two characters involved in it. Shakespeare has particularly chosen to use two feuding families from Verona the Capulets and Montagues. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in the late 16th century. Romeo and Juliet is labelled as a tragedy story but also includes other themes about love, friendship and family conflict. The purpose of a theme being to distinguish the writing but also keep the text flowing. The title suggests that Romeo and Juliet will be lovers and since the play is about conflict; that they might be on different sides. Unlike many writers Shakespeare doesn’t leave his reader guessing as he clearly states that the fated lovers will die as a consequence of their feuding. As the two lovers are on separate sides so should hate each other. Conflict is shown in the fact that the two lovers should hate each other.

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Character’s actions and words tell us a lot about conflict in Romeo and Juliet. I have chosen to explore Romeo, Juliet and Tybalt’s actions.

Romeo’s name suggests the word romance so we can tell he will have a connection with love through the play. In Act 1scene 1, Romeo is moaning about not having his love for Rosaline requited to Benvolio. ‘Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast.’ (pg 53, line 180) Shakespeare uses the word ‘grief’ to show the reader just how despairing Romeo is feeling. The fact that they are heavy griefs must mean ...

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This essay is underdeveloped and therefore shows only a superficial understanding of the text. It is good that points are trying to be linked but each point does need to be developed individually first. 3 Stars