Consider why Shakespeare requires two pairs of lovers in Much Ado About Nothing and to what extent you as a modern reader are above to respond sympathetically to how they are presented.

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Consider why Shakespeare requires two pairs of lovers in Much Ado

About Nothing and to what extent you as a modern reader are above to

respond sympathetically to how they are presented.

By Paula Metcalfe

Overall I beleive that Shakespeare deliberately decided to have two sets of

lovers to provide the reader/audience with contrasting perspectives on similar

situations. The themes of the play are courship, love, marriage and an

individuals role in society.

He has sucessfully acheived this.

 As a modern reader we are gven some insight into attitudes in Elizabethan

England. This was a male dominated society. A woman's options and future

were often determined by society's perception of her and her behaviour.

Although this play is set in the ficticious place of Messina it comes across as

set in English society.Both men and women were expeced to display certain

qualities and adopt certain roles in society.

In this play I think Shakespeare is questioning the society of the time. He

uses the two sets on lovers to show a contrast between what was expected at

the time with Claudio and Hero against the modern thinking Beatrice and


As a modern reader I would expect that on the whole sympathies and

admiration would be directed towards Beatrice and Benedick. They both

display individuality and are not afraid of voicing there own opinions.

Although this is normal behaviour in today's society  it would not have been

the norm at the time. In Shakespeare's day there was a correct code of

condcut which meant conforming to the codes of society.

The charater I found most appealing as a modern female reader was Beatrice.

She goes against everything the Elizabethan audience would repect in a

woman. On the othehand she displays all the qualties a modern female would


Our introduction to Beatrice is in Act 1 Scene 1. A messenger arrives with

news that Don Pedro and his army will  be shortly arriving in Messina. The

messenger and Leonarto converse about the victory Beatrice interupts the

conversation with:

'' I pray you, is Signor Mountanto returned from the wars or no?''

Athought this would go unnoticed in the society of today, at the time she

would have come across as very bold. However, Leonarto allows her to get

away with it. This is a huge contributing factor to the play, without this her

character would have been unsuccesfull. This is her first display of

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independance. Her behaviour is unconventional. To the modern reader she is

somewhat of a heroine  but to the Elizabethan audience she was breaking

society's rules. They would probably have found her boldness quite


In contrast we have Hero. She displays all the qualities the Elizabethan

audience would have admired in a woman. She knows her place in society.

Her father is there to be obeyed. There is an absence of dialogue by Hero in

the opening act. She is the ideal woman of her time. She behaves in the

manner Society ...

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