Contrast the love relationship between Beatrice and Benedick with that of Hero and Claudio. 'Much Ado About Nothing' is a comedy of manners, showing the behaviour of men and women living under

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Charlotte Palmer

Contrast the love relationship between Beatrice and Benedick with that of Hero and Claudio.

‘Much Ado About Nothing’ is a comedy of manners, showing the behaviour of men and women living under specific social codes. Claudio and Hero portray the typical, conventional, idealistic lovers, and Beatrice and Benedick portray the more realistic lovers.

The title of the play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ suggests a big deal over nothing or confusion by overhearing; ‘noting’. This confusion leads to a comical and light hearted plot to be enjoyed by the audience.

The relationship between Beatrice and Benedick presented in the exposition of the play implies that they have met before because of the way Beatrice goes into great detail of describing Benedick. At the end of their witty repartee, Beatrice refers to their ongoing war by saying ‘I know you of old’. Whenever they meet, they always mock and ridicule each other using their wit. They throw childish insults at each other to show their ‘merry war’ and ‘skirmish of wit’; ‘Lady Disdain’, ‘rare parrot-teacher’. Beatrice says that Benedick is so awful that he is ‘sooner caught than the pestilence’.

Beatrice and Benedick are both against marriage and they mock it constantly. It is ironic that the two characters in the play that are the most against marriage, actually end up marrying each other. Benedick says he will ‘live a bachelor’ because he doesn’t want to be cuckolded. He compares marriage to a yoke; ‘thrust thy neck into a yoke’, because he sees it as a burden. He also believes it will take an ‘earthquake’ to change him. Beatrice also doesn’t want to marry because she believes no one is suitable for her. Beatrice and Benedick are so against marriage because they haven’t found anyone suitable enough yet and they don’t want to be humiliated when they do.

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Beatrice and Benedick portray the more experienced and cynical lovers. Their relationship is more realistic because they argue and bicker. They are both brought together by deception and when they are tricked into loving each other it doesn’t take long for them to change their ways. In the ‘gulling’ of Beatrice and Benedick their bad points and weaknesses are pointed out to them so they can change. They are both said to be scornful and that if Beatrice told Benedick how she felt ‘he’ll scorn it’ because he has a ‘contemptible spirit’. The qualities of the other person are ...

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