Courage in To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird - Courage

        There are many themes in the book To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee. However, one of the most important is courage. This theme is shown by almost all of the characters in the novel. Bravery is shown in the novel in different ways by different characters.

        Atticus is probably the most courageous character of the novel. Since Scout narrates the story and she admires her father, she describes with detail his qualities, many of which involve courage. According to Atticus, "courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what", courage is not a man with a gun in his hand, courage is when you fight for what is right regardless of whether you win or lose. Atticus fits into his definition of what "real courage" is and demonstrates it several times throughout the novel.

        In chapter 10, Atticus showed his children that he was a courageous man when he stepped into the street to face down a rabid dog. But shooting something wasn't really Atticus' idea of courage. He viewed courage on a more intellectual level, as a moral thing, not as something that can be proved with a weapon. Atticus wanted Jem and Scout to know that he was not courageous for being able to shoot a crazy dog dead with one shot; but he is courageous for defending Tom Robinson. He teaches them that being courageous is standing up for what you think is right no matter what others believe.

        Indeed, Atticus demonstrates courage when he undertakes the task of defending Tom Robinson, a black man wrongly accused of rape. The racist views of the town are against Atticus defending Tom Robinson. Atticus knows he won't win the case and it takes courage for Atticus Finch to go against people's beliefs in order to do what he believes was morally right. Atticus knows that Tom is innocent and that he must fight for him, since no one else will. Atticus's strong sense of morality and justice motivates him to defend Tom. He wants people in Maycomb to belive that "that boy might go to the chair, but he's not going till the truth's told". ,Although Atticus is criticized for what he decides is right, he bravely ignores critics. Standing up for his convictions was more important then what people thought about him.

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        In Chapter 15, Atticus manifested courage when he went to the jail house to protect Tom from the mob he knew was coming to threaten Tom Robinson. He went to help Tom. He knew that if a mob did gather he could get badly beaten. Still, he went determined to shield Tom from anything that could harm him, with no concern about himself.

        Last, but not least, Atticus showed courage when he went along with Heck Tate lie about what really happened the night Bob Ewell was found stabbed to death. Atticus put his life and career at threat. He ...

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This is a good essay clearly showing understanding of the novel and the theme of racism throughout the novel. There are some examples of thoughtful analysis and where further explored and supported by quotes this elevates the essay into the top band. However there are also areas where statements are inconclusive and need more explanation. As the essay is focusing on racism more social and historical context would have been useful ****