creative writing

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Guy Gordon-Brown        Original Writing 21/01/2009

As it sat there parked, the shiny new car – sparkling body – fresh crisp interior. An expensive and luxurious car (it would you make any man envious) parked in the driveway with the sun glinting off its red luscious shell. As the man stood there with a hose, bucket and sponge he wiped the sponge over the cars executive emblem which read ‘Ferrari’. A man walked past admiring the car he stopped, ‘what kind of job do you have!?!’ he chuckled ‘’cos I got to get me one of those’, the man washing the car grinned to himself as the man strolled off, he stopped for a moment and admired his car and looked at it from the end to the front as the soapy suds slowly slid down the sides, he thought to himself ‘wow I’m lucky’, he hosed down his car, put the sponge in the bucket and walked back into his house.

His house – towering over the trees – stood there gleaming white with its blue shutters and doors, he opened his front door and looked at all the exquisite painting and exotic shrubbery in his foyer in which stood a grand marble staircase.

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The man lived in very wealthy suburb and his house was opposite a large church and steeple which dominated the whole of the suburb. This very ordinary looking suburb housed many rich and bad men; they all had their little secrets, and some of them were into things they shouldn’t be – very dark and disgusting scenes. This one man who lived in his big white house with his flashy red Ferrari was into particular trouble with some very bad people who he owed money to.

One gorgeous sunny day when the sun was shining what seemed to be its ...

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