Critical Essay - Merchant of Venice

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The Merchant Of Venice

In the “Merchant of Venice” by William Shakespeare, Shylock the Jewish moneylender is portrayed as a villain, motivated only by revenge and is generally seen as a bitter, lonely, old man.  In my essay I intend to show that, while the above may be true, Shylock had been driven to this state by years of prejudice and abuse.

In the play, Bassanio needs to borrow money from his merchant friend and the title character, Antonio, in order to woo Portia, a wealthy heiress. Antonio however, does not have the money as all his funds are tied up in ships and trade goods.  Antonio decides to borrow the money for Bassanio from the Jewish moneylender, Shylock, who makes no qualms of the animosity between Antonio and himself.  The money is borrowed under the terms that if Antonio is unable to repay the money within three months then Shylock may take a pound of Antonio’s flesh.  Following the reported disappearances of all of Antonio’s ships, the bond goes unpaid and Shylock takes him to court.  In court Shylock is determined to have his bond as revenge for the abuse he has suffered at Antonio’s hands and refuses to show mercy.  Portia, who Bassanio had successfully wooed, arrives disguised as a lawyer and manages to find a series of loopholes in the bond which leaves Shylock set to lose all his possessions and his life.  The Duke of Venice spares his life and lets Shylock keep some of his wealth under certain conditions.  The final and arguably harshest punishment is that Shylock must convert to Christianity.

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It is clear from very early on in the play that Shylock harbours a deep resentment towards Christians, especially Antonio.  We can see this in the way he talks to him.  For example in Act 1 Scene 3, Shylock says,

“I hate him for he is a Christian.”

This comment shows Shylock’s prejudice towards Christians for, as far as we know at this point, with no apparent reason.  However as the scene progresses we can start to see the reason for Shylock’s hatred: the years of abuse he and other members of the Jewish faith had suffered ...

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