Dad ages ago

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“Me and your mum will always love you, but if either of you are one of them, your out”

     Dad ages ago

Lying in your bed, the place where you remember your past, feel your present and see your future. The best mirror in the world, fantasises hold up in the darkness make you smile, make you cry, freak you out.

I’ve tortured myself whether it’s smart to write this, if don’t want to know, then I’ve got an experimental piece in my book you can have, but I had to write this down.

 Our story begins last summer in June, man that seemed along time ago. As per usual I had set myself the task to lose some weight during the summer months; this determination had been shored up by some good weight loss over the winter/ spring. Now all this weight loss had been achieved with dieting, but I knew to get anywhere I’d have to do some exercise (NOOOOO!). My thoughts naturally turned to doing some jogging or perhaps going to the gym (HA!), that’s when it all went wrong.

Lying in my bed on this boiling Saturday afternoon (I had been up since 5 helping my Dad) I day dreamt about going to gym, getting some exercise you know weights, on the treadmill. Then I’d go and get a shower. Deep in this dream world, I’m busy washing myself, then in the corner of my eye I see two men having sex. Two big muscle bound butch guys (quite funny now I’d barely look at those type), one turns and asks if I’d want to join, I do…


Wake up, snap out of it man (?).  I’ll spare you the grizzly details but let’s say that I was “excited” (okay that sounds slutty). For 5 mins I was freaked out, I mean freaked out. I was like what the FUCK had gone on there? I grabbed one of my brother’s magazines (celebrity one) and flicked to the picture of the most “fit” woman in there and stared at it…

Nothing, No an inch.

Okay the average over sexed, overweight, desperate teenager should get the hots for Britney Spears, but nothing, oh dear. I tried to get back to sleep but every time I did the dreams would return. I think I managed to drift off. All weekend I felt weird, and yes every time I’d close my eyes I’d see those dreams. Damn those dreams. I was also freaked out while I was watching a wrestling show I could feel myself looking at this wrestlers ass (funnily enough this wrestler has quite the gay following).

I felt weird; I wanted to explore the whole sexuality issue. I decided to restart my English story (restarting/redrafting has always been a problem in English as this very piece of work shows). I tried to write a piece about a boy who “comes out” to a teacher. Unfortunately my friends kept asking what it was about and when I told them a mixture of snigger and stares scared me off. Also it didn’t help when William Heney told Mr Akiten’s that a former pupil was gay responded by joking he was “batting for the other side”, so I restarted again (it never got finished by the way).

I felt really confused, like I wasn’t actively fancying any boys but then again I wasn’t actively fancying any girls, but still these dreams persisted. I was seriously freaked out, I didn’t want to be gay, I knew that my parents hated them, hell two years ago I had (thankfully I was more liberal now) and my brother also hated them, I had to be normal. I did anything to be straight, I stayed up and watched the 10-min preview for the porn channels (I feel so dirty, so, so dirty), and I was literally begging, praying that I’d you know, be a MAN and I was after about 5 minutes.

Join now!

I didn’t feel any better, I knew it was fake, I knew they were something wrong with me, but what could I do?

Activities week came up, It was alight, I enjoyed it. I put all these thoughts to the back of my head. On the Wednesday I stayed up and watched a band called Placebo in concert. Their lead singer was just, beautiful, he was just stunning in this little designer dress, he just melted me. I was too tired too be freaked out but he looked brilliant. The set was fab to.

I was still ...

This is a preview of the whole essay