Describe and comment upon the film "Of Mice and Men" (biased on the novel by John Steinbeck) directed by Gary Sinise.

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Describe and comment upon the film “Of Mice and Men” (biased on the novel by John Steinbeck) directed by Gary Sinise

Lennie is played by: John Malkovitch

George is played by: Gary Sinise

Film is directed by: Gary Sinise

The novel Of Mice and Men” was written by John Steinbeck and is a fictional book. “Of Mice and Men” is a book about two life long friends named George and Lennie who travel together everywhere. Having read the book in my privet time I was very interested to see the film and to see how different it really was from the book and how the director had dramatised the scenes to make it more exciting. Although I immensely enjoyed the whole film and how it was portrayed, I concentrated on certain scenes in the movie. They were the opening scene, when Lennie and George enter the Ranch for the first time, the introduction of Curly and the fight he had with Lennie, the encounter between Lennie and Curly’s wife and the last scene which was the killing of Lennie.

The film adaptation of John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men” opens with a scene where there is an unknown man sitting in a moving train in complete darkness but there are flashes of light when it comes through the window. We soon realize that the man sitting in the train is George but he is not with Lennie you can also hear emotional violin music. Here the director Gary Sinise has used the use of shadows and music very well to make the opening scene more dramatic and mysterious then the book. Immediately you can see the first main difference in the film from the book. At the start of the book Steinbeck starts of by describing the scenery in this valley by a river and at the beginning of the book unlike the film George in walking and Lennie is with him but we do not know where they are from or where they are going. They decide to stay there and Lennie

Has a dream of a future farm where he can tend rabbits.

In the film we see George sitting on the train by him self and then he thinks back to Weed where he was running away with Lennie, then we see what he is thinking about and we can see a woman in a red dress, running through fields in desperate escape from some undefined terror. Her flight frames the movie. As it turns out, the woman is in fact running from Lennie, and Lennie and George are running from protesters who are chasing them with guns and horses. This was when they were running away from Weed. Then they both jump in to the river and when it is dark and safe they emerged and jumped on to an empty carriage on a train.

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Music plays a large part in films, it can be used to set the mood and do other things, Gary the director used music very well in the first scene to set the tense atmosphere by the jarring music, loud rustling of the dry long grass, shouting and screaming, the splashing of the water when Lennie and George jumped in to get away from the men who were chasing them and the loud breathing of them both. In the novel, we do not become aware of exactly what happens to cause Lennie and George to run away from weed until ...

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