Describe the conditions experienced by British soldiers on the Western Front in the years 1915-1917. (450 words max, 15 marks)

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Matthew Conway                  History Coursework

Great War Coursework Essay 1

Describe the conditions experienced by British soldiers on the Western Front in the years 1915-1917. (450 words max, 15 marks)

One of the worst conditions was the fact that all of the soldiers lived in constant fear that they could be attacked or it by a shell. Many found it hard to eat and sleep while living in regular fear of death. A soldier from the Battle of the Somme said, “Death and injury could come without any warning”. These terrible situations led to many having delusional symptoms and paranoia, along with what doctors called “Trench fever”.

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Another abysmal experience for the Soldiers was a condition named “Trench foot”, where after days spent constantly standing in knee-deep, dirty water the feet started to “swell up to two or three times their size”. After weeks of agony, many who suffered from this would have to have their legs or feet amputated.

Other conditions or illnesses included “shell shock”, a terrible one in which the patient suffered from varied symptoms, including “unrelenting anxiety, hysterical ticks, nightmares, shaking or gazing with a vacant expression”. These victims were often treated harshly and told to get “back on the line”.


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