Describe the scene of a school lunch hall
Condensation slides its way down the window, leaving behind it a ribbon of smooth, murky darkness. The sheer suffocating heat and humidity inside suggests the number of drenched bodies seeking refuge from the relentless onslaught of rain. In one corner, a single teacher loses the battle to restrain a group of shouting children and is swamped in a wave of uniformed bodies. Buzzing with anticipation, their instincts triggered by the promise of food, the mass of children charges past him into the canteen. Dragging back some small measure of control, he finally manages to stem the flow and continues to thin out the crowd at a steadier pace with many jealous glances towards the table where several of his fellow teachers lounge, indulging in a few sweet, children-free minutes.
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Peer Reviews
Here's what a star student thought of this essay
Quality of writing
The Quality of Written Communication here is exception. A wide range of vocabulary has been used and applied appropriately so that the essay remains flowing and coherent. The use of grammar and punctuation is proficient and there is no cause for concern with regards to spelling either. An exceptionally well-expressed essay.
Level of analysis
The Level of Description shown by this candidate is indicative of the highest grade boundaries, achieving much of the mark scheme's targets such as "candidate writes with flair and enthusiasm" and "a diverse range of linguistic devices are used". They can expect to achieve an A* for GCSE for this work. The candidate confidently and effortlessly includes metaphors and similes that do not feel forced or clichéd at all, showing the examiner they can use basic linguistic devices for effect, but they then use anthropomorphism (personification) and possibly even pathetic fallacy as they progress, all of which combine to make a very strong essay that makes for a thoroughly interesting read; one that I have no doubt will stand out to examiners even when they have marked dozens of similar essays.
Response to question
This is an excellent Writing to Describe piece, where the candidate opts to describe the events of a school canteen during a brief break period. There is evidence of a very competent GCSE student here, with every indication of a good level of description consistent throughout. The candidate utilises many linguistic devices including a plethora of strong adjectives and metaphors in order to describe the event. The essay is also nicely structured, offering readers a seamless transition between perfectly-augmented paragraphs (each being roughly similar size and leading onto one another - the only irk here is the lack of range in discourse markers).