Diary of a geek. Dear Diary, Today was my first day in my new school and I would like to share my experiences with you.

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Dear Diary,

                   Today was my first day in my new school and I would like to share my experiences with you.

                    I had hardly slept during the night before, my mind full of excitement and pleasant thoughts about the new school, my heart swollen with pride, and my head floating in clouds. I had long envied boys in the new school – the way they dressed, the way they excelled in examinations, and the facilities they enjoyed for sports and other activities. And now I was about to join them. Looked like my ultimate wish come true!    

                  I thought I should be well dressed on my first day in school. So I wore my favourite polka dots shirt and red pants.  To groom myself properly, I used lots of hair oil and wore my new big round spectacles, leaving for school with my pink bag in hand and high ambitions in heart. I was late for school - when I entered the class I saw about 25 students already seated. Taking my first steps into the class I heard a huge outburst of derisive laughter, accompanied by taunts directed by me. I seemed to have appealed to the mean streak in those students, and was the object of their ridicule, with words like “nerd”,” geek” and “loser” being thrown at me. I was astonished at this seemingly strange reaction, which deflated my high spirits. Nevertheless I tried to ignore it and went and sat quietly in one lonely corner of the class.

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                  The teacher in the class was unable to control this atrocious behaviour. As soon as the teacher left – to my utter surprise - the students bolted the door so that no other teacher could enter! Within a fraction of a second, the students were all over the class. I was taken aback as I had never witnessed this kind of misbehaviour. Rahul, one of the students, sauntered over and sat next to me. He had spiked up hair, his jeans were practically falling down (he almost tripped over them!) and he was continuously chewing gum. He looked quite wicked ...

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The Quality of Written Communication is very good. The use of more complicated syntax and punctuation is well-adapted to the character and the use of overly-complex language that is spelt correctly in all circumstances, making for a very well-expressed answer.

The Level of Explanation about a day in the life of a geek is good. The bad thing about diaries and journals is that can become very uninteresting, being only the perspective of one person, and to some extent this answer is hindered by that - there is a lot of emphasis on the narrative but little on the explanation. Nonetheless, the strength of this answer is amplified through the candidate's use of appropriate dialect, even if, at times, it proves quite clunky - that can be attributed to the nature of the geek themselves though.

This is a Writing to Explain task, and the candidate assumes the role of a stereotypical geek very well. It is unclear whether the candidate is a girl or a boy though, and this gender classification might have served the candidate in better stead as it would nicely round off the character they assume, creating a good image in the mind of their nerd. There is a consistent characterisation in the candidate's language that suggests they have successfully adopted the character of the stereotypical nerd. An examiner might argue actually, that the stereotyping limits the originality of this piece, so a few other elements and linguistic devices that carve a more innovative character may have improved this answer, as it shows the candidate can think "outside the box", as it were, drawing on a number of interesting techniques to create the character.