Discuss and compare the differences of the portrayal and male and female characters within ‘Tony Kytes the arch deceiver’ and ‘The Seduction’ ?

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Discuss and compare the differences of the portrayal and male and female characters within 'Tony Kytes the arch deceiver' and 'The Seduction'

Both pieces of text explore the idea of young women being misled by men. This is shown through their innocence and obedience. This can be seen to the extent that the women in 'Tony Kytes' are willing to hide under tarpaulin in order to avoid confrontation.

"(Insert Quote)"

The differences between the two pieces of text are in that the consequences. The gullibility of the girl in the seduction poem are devastating, while the women in the Tony Kytes story merely suffer some injury to their dignity.

Tony, through his conversation with the women shows that he is indecisive, weak and a charmer. The boy's character is very different to Tony's. The boy is a rogue, shadowy figure. Tony sweet-talks the ladies in order to be assured of companionship. This behaviour is typical for his period.
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"I never know you were so pretty before!"

Tony pays compliments to charm the women, whereas the boy in the seduction succeeds in his attempts to charm the girl with alcohol.

"He handed her the vodka"

It is safe to say that the men the two pieces of text pay no attention to the consequences of their actions. Both of the males are representatives of their era. Tony is polite, attentive and always charming, and the boy in the seduction is left nameless as he could easily represent most boys in the 1980's.


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