Discuss how George Orwell uses language techniques to represent power in

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Discuss how George Orwell uses language techniques to represent  power in  "Animal Farm."

"Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely"; and  this is  eloquently proved in George Orwell's novel 'Animal Farm.'  In this satirical  fable, Orwell uses his allegorical farm to candidly  illustrate the corruptive  nature of power and to symbolise the  communist system in the microcosm of a  farmyard barn.

George  Orwell was the pen name of Eric Blair, a British political novelist  and essayist. He was also a socialist but he criticized the right  (fascists and  capitalists) as freely as he criticized the left  (anarchists, socialists, and  communists). Orwell used his writings  mainly to expose the negative effects that  political systems could  have on people - harsh forms of control, manipulation,  and repression.  Even though Animal Farm was based on the Russian Revolution,  particularly  directed against Stalin's Russia, it is more meaningfully an  anatomy  of all political revolutions, where the revolutionary ideals of  justice,  equality, and fraternity shatter in the event.

The  story of Animal Farm tells of "a revolution that went wrong." One  night  Old Major, an old pig preached of freedom and equality for  all animals as well  as independence from humans to his fellow  animal comrades. He introduced to them  the 'Beasts of England'  song, which inspired rebellion and soon afterwards, he  died. The  carthorse Boxer devoted himself to the cause, committing his great  strength to the prosperity of the farm and adapting as a personal  motto " I will  work harder." Led by the pigs, the animals on the  Mr. Jones's oppressed farm  carryout a provoked revolt against  their human masters. After their victory  Snowball, one of the  pig leaders climbs a ladder and writes the seven  commandments  on the end wall of the big barn; thus the ideals of the revolution  are spelled out in writing.

At first, Animal  Farm prospers. The pig leaders, Snowball and Napoleon assume  the  administration of the farm and as Snowball tries to teach the animals  to  read, Napoleon takes a group of young puppies to educate them  in the principles  of Animalism. Mr. Jones reappears to take back  the farm but the animals defeat  him again. As time passes however,  Snowball and Napoleon increasingly quarrel  over the future of  the farm and they begin to struggle with each other for power  and  influence among the other animals. These disagreements lead up to  a vote in  order to build Snowball's proposal for a windmill, which  Napoleon was opposed  to. Then suddenly, nine enormous dogs - the  puppies that Napoleon had taken away  to "educate" burst into the  barn and chased Snowball away. Napoleon then  declares himself  leader. The initial intentions of the ideals of equality and  justice  were unsuccessful and the Animal Farm ended up being a dictatorship  of  pigs, who were the cleverest, and most idle of the animals.  As years pass, the  pigs become more and more like human beings  - walking upright, carrying whips,  and wearing clothes. Eventually  even the seven commandments were reduced a  single principle of  Animalism reading, "all animals are equal, but some animals  are  more equal than others."

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The theme of power is  addressed regularly in this text. Power is comprehended  through  respect, fear, influence, control, knowledge, and even physical  strength.

Firstly, Old Major, the prize-winning  boar delivers a political speech to the  farm animals. This is  a speech to merge all animals alike under a sense of  community  and unity, "comrades" he pronounces, addressing the animals as a  brotherhood, the way communist parties address their people. It  is also a speech  that identifies an enemy - man. "Man serves the  interests of no creature except  himself. And among us animals  let there be perfect unity, ...

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