Discuss how the setting of Two poems you studied was important in helping the poet get across an important theme
The poems “Dulce et Decorum est” and “the Sentry” both by Wilfred Owen convey the idea “the horrors of war.” Owen chooses to use the setting of the battlefields in order to show us the theme “the horrors of war”.
In Dulce et Decorum est, the battlefield is a very important setting to convey the theme “the horrors of war.” Owen shows us that the men are utterly exhausted by saying “bent double like old hags” emphasizing how no human should be this tired. Owen then moves on to show the gas bombs dropping on the battlefield behind the soldiers and the effect that the green it releases has; one soldier is shown “to plunge at Owen, guttering, chocking, drowning” because he didn’t get his gas mask on time. Owen then proceeds to emphasise “ the horrors of war” by giving us descriptions of what the gas did to the soldier, “ the blood come gargling form the forth-corrupted lungs” and “obscene as cancer.”