Discuss the presentation of Curleys Wife in John Steinbecks novel Of Mice And Men and the suggestion that she is solely to blame for the tragedies of the novel.

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Discuss the presentation of Curley’s Wife in John Steinbeck’s novel ‘Of Mice And Men’ and the suggestion that she is solely to blame for the tragedies of the novel.

Curley’s wife is a truly influential character in the novel; she is constantly at the centre of controversy. Before she physically appears in the novel she is already mentioned in a negative and demeaning way. The men on the ranch describe her as having ‘the eye’ and refer to her as a tart. The word tart implies that she is a very sexual character with a lack of self-dignity. Her physical appearance is one of great beauty; she is described in the novel as having ‘full rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes’ as well as ‘heavily made up’ just from this quote the reader begins to get an image of Curley’s wife as a beautiful and flirtatious character.

Throughout ‘Of Mice And Men’ she is constantly associated with the colour red. This is where Steinbeck uses his stylistics character impeccably. He foreshadows the colour red throughout the novel. We are first introduced to this in chapter one where George and Lennie talk about the woman in Weed. Then when Curley’s wife appears she too wears a red cotton house dress which then appears again in chapter five which is the climax of tragedy.  Red is a colour that resembles a sexual and provocative nature as well as being used to display a sign of warning or danger.  All these things become more apparently associated with Curley’s wife as the plot develops.

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Curley’s Wife is given no identity; she is never referred to by a name other than Curley’s wife. This is typical of 1930’s America as she as viewed as a man’s possession and holds no regard in society. The man that she ‘belongs’ to is Curley. This is a man who is fuelled by hate and anger and shows no loving or passionate side. ‘You seen that glove on his left hand?’ ‘Well that’s full of Vaseline’ ‘Curley says he’s keeping that hand soft for his wife’ these are thing said by Candy that summarise the way that Curley’s wife ...

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There are the start of some good points being made in this essay but they are not always related to the actual title. Make sure that points are looked at in depth as more marks can be given for points looked at in depth rather than lots of superficial points being made. 3 Stars