Discuss the role of women in the play Othello.

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Joanne Ritter

Discuss the role of women in the play Othello.

The three women in the play are all victims of some kind, regarded by most of the men as ‘only good for one thing’.  It is also true to say that the women fall into one of two categories or stereotypes – the innocent saintly women and the whoreish seductress.  Bianca – the first of the women I will discuss in the essay, fits easily into the latter category.

Bianca is a prostitute and very fond of Cassio, who tends to ignore her and treat her badly.  We get a clear picture of how Bianca is regarded by the men in the play when Cassio says to Iago about marrying her (act4 scence1) –

I marry her?  What? A customer! Prithee bear some charity to my wit; do not think it so unwholesome. Ha, ha, ha!’

He clearly does not love her or ever intend on marrying her and is using her only for sex, but it is obviouse that Bianca loves him as her distress at his absence shows –

        ‘…lovers’ absent hours

        More tediouse than the dial eight score times?

O wearly reckoning’

She is also extreamly upset when she thinks the handkercheif has been given to Cassio by another lover –

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‘Let the devil and his dam haunt you.  What did you mean by the same handkerchief you ga ve me even now?  I was a fine fool to take it’

She refuses to  copy the embroidery on the handkercheif.

Cassio does not think it necessary to inform Bianca that his attraction to her is purely physical.  He allows her to go on thinking that he loves her back calling her ‘Sweet Bianca’ and ‘most fair Bianca’ when this is clearly not how he thinks of her.

 Iago regards Bianca in much the same way as Cassio as is shown ...

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