Discuss the themes and stylistic content of John Donne's The Sunne Rising.

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Discuss the themes and stylistic content

of John Donne’s The Sunne Rising

Graham Ross

John Donne’s “The Sunne Rising” is a deeply thoughtful love poem, rejoicing the satisfying union between two lovers, whom appear to ignore the claims of the outside world.  Donne uses various themes and stylistic content within the poem to show his strong feelings towards his lover.  The two lovers in the poem appear to be in the centre of a living and attractive world.

        For a love poem, ‘The Sunne Rising’ begins with a very aggressive tone and high energy.  From this we see the determination to win an argument with the sun and also in reality with the reader.

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“Busie old foole, unruly Sunne,

Why dost thou thus,

Through windowes, and through curtaines call on us?”

From this strongly worded stanza, we can see that the lover shows no appreciation of the sun, and appears to be against nateur.  From the manner of language used by Donne, it appears that that the lover is wide-awake, even though we are given the impression that he has just awoken.  He is not tempted to leave his world which appears to be the room he is in.

        One of the main themes of the poem is that lovers are victims of time,


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