Discuss what you have discovered about the themes, characters, language and style of Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas from your reading of extracts, from the play. You should also consider what Welsh aspects you have found in the text you have studied.

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English GCSE Course Work                             Ricky Morgan


Discuss what you have discovered about the themes, characters, language and style of Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas from your reading of extracts, from the play.  You should also consider what Welsh aspects you have found in the text you have studied.

Dylan Thomas was born in 1914 in Uplands, Swansea.  He wrote his first poems before the age of eleven and his first published work was eighteen poems released when he was only nineteen.  A contempory of T.S Eliot and W.H Auden, but writing in a very different style, he was the epitome of the mad poet.  He spent a large amount of time drunk and often engaged in roaring disputes in public, and he was also very flamboyant.  At one stage he worked as a reporter, though it is said he lost his job after reporting on a lacrosse match that had been cancelled.  He was reportedly in the pub instead of the match.  He also worked at the BBC reading poetry and later was to tour widely in America reading poetry.  In many ways he was responsible for popularising this form of entertainment.  He died in 1953 of alcoholic poisoning, the same year that he first read Under Milk Wood to a public audience.

As we all know, Dylan Thomas is an Anglo Welsh writer.  His Anglo
Welsh recognition has been achieved being that he writes in the form of English language, whether as he’s Welsh.

Under Milk Wood is billed as play for voices.  This play is deeply described in poetic terms – we learn that most of the inhabitants are very strange people indeed.  We hear a lot of their innermost desires and thoughts.  With the other half of the characters themselves, acting out some of the characters we have learned.

We start at dawn and follow through one day in the life of the town. The town itself appears to have been passed by in history and those that are left behind almost seem like they are caught in very drab and depressing version of Groundhog Day, destined to repeat each day over and over.  We see a bar tender that has secret desires for the local school teacher, a haberdasher that is having an affair, a strange marriage with a very dominant wife whose husband dreams of knocking her off and many other strange characters.  The central character is a retired sea captain that is blind and dreams of the life that he used to lead.

Through reading the play, we are presented with many qualities.  Under Milk Wood is a play crammed with typical, strong characters and a great sense of humour.  Being that the play is deeply poetic, it’s obvious therefore that the use of language is very descriptive.  With the descriptive words that are given, we are given a much more detailed image of the situation and atmosphere.  Therefore scenes that are read can be understood a lot better, with the use of a single word or two.

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The introduction to play is the most descriptive in my opinion.  This section is severely planned out using many a descriptive word.  This section is the foundation of the play presented later on.  Its purpose is to get you into the mood of the play, and also help you get your mind in order, to understand the different situations.  In this section we understand the life of people and the surroundings at night fall.  Families are described to be fast asleep.  Thomas even uses such personalities as, pensioners, cobbler, schoolteacher, postman, the undertaker etc.  This therefore sums up that ...

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