Discussing dramatic devices in Hamlet.

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In Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” there is a lot of dramatic devices.  This causes tension because the guards of the Norwegian royal family are very jumpy as they think there might be another attack. However young Hamlet is going to avenge the death of his farther. Then tragedy strikes when everyone dies.

A heavy dark atmosphere is established at the start of act one, scene one. By using, questions such as “Who’s there?” Gives the impression that the guards are cautious, and scared. Also, “You come most carefully upon your hour.” This implies that Bernardo came quite quietly and discreetly, and that Francisco is scared. This makes you wonder why they are scared, is there going to be another war? Why are they being careful? This draws in the audience and makes them ask questions.

Elizabethan audiences strongly believed in ghosts, so by taking advantage of this, Shakespeare has used certain techniques to introduce a ghost. This would engage the audience because they would strongly believe. Also the use of the word “thing” in act one, scene one gives the impression that they don’t know what the ghost is. For example when Marcellus says “what has this thing appear’d again to-night?” This tells us that he is scared; however he isn’t aware of what he is scared of. Marcellus also refers to the “dreaded sight” this is a form of emotive language because the sight he is seeing is dreaded, meaning he didn’t want to see it. Also he is trying to convince both Horatio and the audience of the ghost.

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Shakespeare uses Horatio’s reaction to the ghost as an impact of fear; we know this because he says “it harrows me.” This means that he is terrified, but he is also amazed. Then he goes on to say “Together with that fair and warlike form. In which the majesty of buried Denmark” referring to king Hamlet saying he looks in the form of a soldier going to war. He is also trying to order the ghost to talk bye saying “I charge thee, speak!” This is taking charge like a commander in the military.  Then the ghost simply disappears. ...

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This essay would have been better if there had been a focus on just the opening scenes as this is where most of the points come from; some of these have been carefully considered but they all need further exploration. 3 Stars