Discussing the theme of loneliness in the novel Of Mice and Men.

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Discussing the theme of loneliness in the novel Of Mice and Men.

Of Mice and Men is a novel set near a place called Soledad, which in Spanish means loneliness. Loneliness affects many of the characters, and Steinbeck shows, realistically how the loneliness is the inevitable result of life as a ranch worker.

The ranch workers are caught in a trap of loneliness, never sticking to one place and continuously travelling destroying any chance of having a permanent relationship, as George describes “us ranch workers are the loneliest guys in the world.”

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Candy is lonely because he is old, and different from the other hands. His only comfort is his dog, which keeps him company and reminds him of when he was younger, we know this from candy repeatedly saying “I had him since he was a pup, I herded sheep with him.” Candy has no relatives and when his dog is killed he becomes completely alone. When Lennie and George offer their idea to candy about the dream farm, candy clutches the idea so he won’t be alone. Candy expresses disappointment with the bitter words, “You god damned tramp”. Candy blames ...

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