Disease and discomfort.

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Disease and discomfort

Heavy rain flooded trenches and turned them into mud pits. This was especially the case towards the Netherlands, which are traditionally prone to flooding, and reverted to swamp when artillery fire destroyed the delicate irrigation networks built up over the centuries.


Planks called duckboards were put down, but these didn’t really help. Many men suffered from frostbite or trench foot shown above due to the constant exposure to mud and water. The feet swell up to 3 times their normal size, begin to rot and had to be amputated.

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'The moment you set off you felt that dreadful suction. It was forever pulling you down, and you could hear the sound of your feet coming out in a kind of sucking 'plop' that seemed much louder at night when you were on your own. In a way, it was worse when the mud didn't suck you down; when it yielded under your feet you knew that it was a body you were treading on. It was terrifying. You'd tread on one on the stomach, perhaps, and it would grunt all the air out of its body. It made your ...

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