"Educating Rita has survived as a popular play in production because Willy Russell successfully combines humour with serious themes."

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"Educating Rita has survived as a popular play in production because Willy Russell successfully combines humour with serious themes."

Educating Rita, a play written in 1979, and by 1983 the fourth most popular play in Britain, remains a favourite of the British today. Based partly on his own experiences, Willy Russell created a theatrical masterpiece, remarkably with only two characters. So we ask ourselves the question: how did he accomplish this? I will explore just how the play has survived in current British culture, with hundreds of plays being written every year, yet still remaining a favourite of students, grandparents, and critics alike.

I will first explore the humour within the play, and the different forms it takes. Firstly is verbal; one example can be taken from the very first scene, where Rita's boldness and Frank's obvious shocked response makes us laugh, and endears us.

On stage, we have only just met Rita and Frank. We are unaware of how the two characters personalities are, and the only thing we have to judge them on is their appearance.

Rita: "That's a nice picture, isn't it?" (referring to a nude painting upon his office wall)

Frank: "....yes, I suppose it is."

Rita: "There's no suppose about it. Look at those tits."

This kind of sheer boldness in Rita is what makes her original, and Willy Russell's choice of verbal slang is perfect to create Rita's character, and indeed keeps the audience amused throughout. Frank's strictly formal answer is the opposite of Rita's easy loose language, and this makes the characters seem even more different.
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The juxtaposition of the pairs vocabulary skills also contributes to the plays comedic essence. Rita's ridiculously shortened words: "D' y' get a lot like me?" compared to Frank's wide range of perfectly pronounced vocabulary: "You mean over the years you have acquired a certain patina." certainly amuses, if only sub consciously.

There are also simple play on words between Frank and Rita:

Frank: "Do you know Yeats?"

Rita: "The wine Lodge?"

Frank: "No. The poet."

These small jokes all contribute to the overall authentic comedy within the play.

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