Education is not just about which school you go to, or what qualifications you gain; it also about what you learn from your experiences outside of school. Write a speech for your school or college Leavers Day to explain what you think makes a good education

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‘Education is not just about which school you go to, or what qualifications you gain; it also about what you learn from your experiences outside of school’. Write a speech for your school or college Leaver’s Day to explain what you think makes a good education

What is education? For some people, it may be going to school and listening to those extremely boring lectures that seem to drag on for hours. For others, it may be achieving that 90% in their maths test, and constantly trying to aim higher. And for a few - including me- it means learning valuable life lessons from real experiences which will help you throughout your life.

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Let me give you an example. If you were to become stuck in a situation in which you and the people with you were forced to rely on things you had learnt in the past, what would you rely on?  Those test papers with 100% stamped on the front page of each and every one of them? Or those survival skills you learnt at Scouts all those years ago? The choice is easy to make now, but unfortunately, we usually find revising for tests much more important than going to extra-curricular clubs. But why? Because we all want to hit ...

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