English CAT - Energy in South Africa

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English CAT Activity 3
M.Lockyer                                                                                                                                   23/04/09

Energy in South Africa

South Africa is currently ranked as the fifth largest coal producer in the world. Sounds impressive, being fifth in the world at something. However I can assure you that this is not a statistic South Africa should be proud of. In fact I believe we should be ashamed of ourselves. Global Warming has become a critical global issue and the utilisation of coal in power stations is a large additive to global warming. It is therefore imperative that we as a nation consider alternative energy sources. It is time for change.

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Coal fired power stations account for 93% of South Africa’s electricity production.  The benefits of coal fired power stations are that they are cheap to manufacture and maintain. The result of this is that the cost of electricity in South Africa is among the lowest in the world. This is a good thing. However the production of electricity through coal fired power stations has a detrimental effect on the environment. Coal fired power stations cause acid rain, air pollution and are major contributors to the greenhouse effect which in turn contributes to global warming. The threat of global warming will ...

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