English Description - We walk on one side of the pavement, with the tour guide leading the way and holding up a small red flag.

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Paper 3 – Question 3a


        “Mind your step and follow me,” the tour guide says monotonously.As I step out into the sunlight, a warm summer breeze greets me, sending my mass of frizzy hair flying in all directions. I hastily try to gather the wild locks, but realise I am too late just as a fellow tourist next to me spits out a strand of my hair in disgust. She glares at me with blazing, narrowing eyes. I smile at her sheepishly and I skip ahead to avoid further humiliation.

It is a gorgeous afternoon on the island – the sky is a periwinkle blue and is covered with cotton candy clouds. The sun shines proudly, beaming its radiant rays upon us. Soon, I feel perspiration on my forehead and mentally kick myself for having worn jeans on a day like this. I look up to see a few seagulls glide freely above us, spreading their wings with grace. Then, I look left and right, taking in my surroundings. This part of the island seems quite deserted, as there is no one else to be seen apart from us. Soaring, grey office buildings tower high above, as if competing against the clouds to reach the sky. Tourists are busy taking photos of the novel environment, repeatedly punching a button on the huge black chunks of plastic they have preciously gripped onto.

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We walk on one side of the pavement, with the tour guide leading the way and holding up a small red flag. From this side of the road I have a fantastic view of the harbour. Private boats and junks silently bob up and down the scintillating turquoise water. The horizon is unobstructed, a calm stretch of blue ocean expanding for miles on either side. I inhale the salty scent of the sea from the blowing wind. In that refreshing instant, I forget I am wearing jeans, so I sprint to catch up with the tour guide.

“Excuse me,” I ...

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