English Essay

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English Essay   In ‘Buddy’ he always stood out when there was someone elses view different from his own. But at least Buddy was not racist. He didn’t mind having black friends such as the Rybeero twins. The Rybeero twins were called Charmian and Julius and they came from Jamaica. They were bullied and discriminated against their classmates for being black. They didn’t have any friends except for Buddy. He was also discriminated and this helped me to understand that the kids were dividing the class into two separate groups; leaving the different people out. The author wanted
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Buddy to have black friends so he shows that he is not racist and that all the different people are left out.The classmates behaved in a very racist way and Mr. Normington didn’t help Buddy and the Rybeero twins to fit in. Buddy is excluded by his classmates because he is in a lower social class than his classmates, including Mr. Normington. Mr. Normington knows how to hurt Buddy for being different and how to turn the class against him. Hinton wanted to have an evil man that annoys Buddy, and for Buddy to feel even more left out.Buddy wishes ...

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