English horror story

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The giant from a thriller

We were stranded in the middle of no were, not the best start to mine and my twin brother Alfie's Christmas holidays. We were supposed to be in Scotland by now, but dad being dad didn't put enough petrol in the car therefor we had broken down in the middle of December on a deserted old road that seemed to go on forever. We had been walking for hours searching for help. Mum was furious at dad but he kept saying that it was an adventure, some adventure.

        As the night drew closer the sky become darker, and the air much colder, but still we carried on walking. Alfie wouldn't stop moaning that his feet were hurting, when suddenly he shouted,

'Look infront of us, theres a house'

And sure enough there infront of us stood a huge house covered in ivy. As we drew closer it became clear that it was no ordinary house it was more like a castle.

Standing at the big steel gate I could just make out a light switched on, on the top floor. As we stood looking at the castle it came across my mind that we shouldn't go in but I put it to the back of my mind and followed the others up the decaying brick path.

Just after we reached the front door we realised that it was slightly ajar, but dad knocked anyway. We waited a few minutes but there was no answer.

'Try again' mum told dad,

So dad knocked again. This time as he knocked the door flung open, with no one there. But we put it down to the wind. Slowly we entered.

'HELLO!' we shouted.

There was no answer.

Infront of us was a huge marble staircase and all round us was beautiful Victorian style furniture but it was all covered in dust and cobwebs. The ceiling seemed much higher then that of a normal house but I thought it would have something to do with the fact that it was very ancient. There was something not quite right about this house, it just didn't seem right. We started up the stairs and as we did we heard a loud 'bang' that seemed to come from downstairs somewhere,

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'What was that' Alfie shouted in a terrified voice.

'Don't worry, its probably just someone who lives here' Dad said

We all went to have a look, as we walked from the entrance hall to the kitchen it suddenly went very cold.

We searched in all the rooms downstairs but there was no one there. We decided to go upstairs to find a bedroom to go to sleep in, then in the morning when it was light we would have a proper look around. We started up the stairs for a second time and as we reached the ...

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