Lamb to the slaughter And The speckled band

Lamb to the slaughter And The speckled band The author of the lamb to the slaughter is Roald Dahl, and was published in 1954, he is famous for writing children stories like "switch bitch" and he also wrote chocolate factory. Conan Doyle wrote the Speckled Band and it was first published in 1892, the name of the famous detective in all his stories is Sherlock Holmes. All I know about Sherlock Homes is that he loves solving people's case. He does it for free sometime because he is not too concerned about money and he doesn't like losing cases, He enjoys his work and he has a very intimate friend called Dr. Watson, Dr Watson really respects Holmes. In the lamb to the Slaughter the husband is a victim. You know that he his going to give his wife bad news because of the word he uses and the tension created, He comes in walking slowly. He drank his drink up in one go and usually they go out for dinner on a Thursday night. The victim in "The Speckled Band" is everyone he described her as a lady dressed, in black and heavily veiled, who had been sitting In the window rose as well Entered, This is a quotation show how terrified she is "She raised her veil as she spoke, and we could see that she was Indeed In a pitiable state of agitation." The murderer In Lamp to the slaughter was six months pregnant. "Her skin for this was her sixth month with a child, child had acquired a

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  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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'Lamb to the Slaughter' and 'The Speckled Band' Comparative Essay

'Lamb to the Slaughter' and 'The Speckled Band' Essay By Iain Bennett Murderers In Lamb to the Slaughter when Mrs Maloney is first introduced to us, we do not believe that she could ever commit a callous murder. In fact, Roald Dahl does not portray Mary as a typical murderer at all; we are led to believe that she herself may be the victim. This is probably because Roald Dahl wants to lull the readers in to a false sense of security, making us believe that she is harmless so that we are shocked later on in the story when she murders her husband, Patrick whom she apparently loved greatly. The first reason that makes us believe that Mrs Maloney is an unlikely murderer is the way Roald Dahl describes her appearance, "...slow smiling a wonderful translucent quality...mouth was soft...placid look..." All of these features lead us to believe that Mary Maloney is a quiet, homely person but later on in the story, it is revealed that she is not. Another reason that we consider Mrs Maloney to be an unlikely murderer is that she is "...six months with child..." We would not believe that a pregnant female would be able to commit such a heartless murder. She is bringing new life into the world - it is hard to believe that she would want to destroy the lives of others. We are also told that she is a 'good housewife' "...kiss him as he came in..." and a very quiet

  • Word count: 1995
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Lamb to the Slaughter and The Speckled Band comparative essay.

Lamb to the Slaughter and The Speckled Band Comparative Essay Lamb to the slaughter and the speckled Band Have some thing in common the genre 'murder mystery' Lamb to the Slaughter is a simple short story written by Roald Dahl in the mid 19th century. Where as "The speckled band was written earlier Pre 19th century it was written By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle the creator of Sherlock Holmes a famous fictional detective with Watson as his side kick. The most obvious difference between the two stories is the way the story was set out with Lamb to the slaughter you know how the murder was committed and by who as soon as it happens the story is about how the killer got away with the crime whereas with the speckled band it is a mystery you are left to unravel by your self. There is still a certain aspect of wander to lamb to the Slaughter we know the woman killed her husband because of something he said we are left to think what could he has said to make her do something so drastic also we wander wither she will get away with the murder. The stories are set in different places and there for have a lot of differences the Roald Dahl story is set in America and features Police where as the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's story is set in England and featured detectives this shows that there may be a deeper investigation into the murder. In "Lamb to The Slaughter" the police show a certain

  • Word count: 522
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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LAMB TO THE SLAUGHTER & THE SPECKLED BAND LAMB TO THE SLAUGHTER AND THE SPECKLED BAND ARE TWO VERY DIFFERENT EXAMPLES OF MURDER MYSTERIES. DESCRIBE SOME OF THE WAYS IN WHICH THEY ARE DIFFERENT AND SOME OF THE WAYS IN WHICH THEY ARE THE SAME. HOW IS LANGUAGE USED BY THE AUTHORS TO CREATE AN ATMOSPHERE OF SUSPENSE THAT MAKES YOU WANT TO READ MORE? Roald Dahl was born in 1916 in Wales of Norwegian parents. He was educated in England before starting work. He began writing during the Second World War. Roald Dahl was one of the most successful and known of all children's writers. His books, which are read by children the world over are fascinating. Lamb to the Slaughter was written by a famous novelist called Roald Dahl and it was first published in 1954. Roald Dahl was a man famous for writing stories, stories such as Matilda, George's Marvelous Medicine, Charlie and the chocolate factory and many more. These books were extraordinary hilarious in many ways, adventurous, funny, sad and mind blowing. Roald Dahl also wrote stories about adults for instance The Twits. A story like Six More was based on older readers as well. Roald Dahl wrote about murder mystery in his stories based for adults. Strange events happen in Roald Dahl stories; this is known as Tales of the Unexpected. Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Doyles were a

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  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Lamb to the slaughter Vs Speckled band

"Lamb to the slaughter" Vs "Speckled band" By Tamer Mustafa "Lamb to the slaughter" Vs "Speckled band" The conventions of the murder mystery genre are that a murder is usually committed at the start of the story and is carefully premeditated. A detective and his colleague are brought in to investigate the felony, but all they find are a lot of perplexing clues and insinuating evidence, which are gradually and meticulously put together, with the detective enlightening the audience to who the delinquent is and how they perpetrated the crime at the closing stages of the tale. Murder mysteries with these conventions are "Murder she wrote", "Taggart", "Frost", "Quavanagh QC" and "Johnathan Creek". The "Speckled band" is a archetypal example of this genre. A murder was committed at the start of the story (two years previously), then an ingenious but peculiar detective is summoned upon the scene with his dedicated assistant. "I had no keener pleasure than in following Holmes in his professional investigations, and in admiring the rapid deductions." The detective shrewdly works out all the concealed evidence and at the cessation the detective ultimately divulges all and manages to 'rescue' the quarry. Conversely, in "Lamb to the slaughter", the slaughter is implemented by a character whom we've already encountered, who is scarcely for this category, a woman. The police

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  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Stone Cold.

Liam Baxter 11AJB Stone Cold Daily Routine Orders Number 16 I do not write this from Mornington Place. No more Sappho -not that I ever liked the stupid bloody cat. No more cosy flat - I can live without that. But no more recruits. My Camden Horizontals as I christend 'em, my lads. Who will look after them? Who will polish their boots and tidy their hair? And who will clean the streets of the riff-raff that is bringing down this country? You mustn't imagine that I've been idle. Oh no. after the police left me - and I must say I played a blinder there - I had an unexpected piece of luck. Laughing Boy Two turned up on my very doorstep! I had stalked that piece of excrement for weeks, ever since him and his pathetic Ginger mate laughed in my face. Scum like that need to be taught a lesson and I certainly taught copper-knob a lesson he would never forget. When I saw Laughing Boy Two standing on within reach I couldn't believe my luck. By golly, my plan was finally working. I did what I always do -bumble, dither, make a fuss of Sappho. I acted the fool, the silly old do-gooder and it worked like a dream. I could see Link the Stink standing under the trees trying to shelter from the rain. I made a big show of calling the cat and acting concerned about it being in the rain. I offered Link the Stink food or money. But what really swung it was the offer of a warm dry coat. In he

  • Word count: 659
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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The speckled band and The lamb to the slaughter

Both the speckled band and the lamb to the slaughter are murder mysteries. They involve a murder but in the speckled band you are trying to work out who did the murder and how. In the lamb to slaughter, you know who did the murder but you do not know if she gets away with it. The stories have a good pun in their titles. They are ambiguous because they mean different things. In the lamb to slaughter the title usually means a little innocent lamb going to get killed like the man gets killed and he has no idea, But it also refers to the comic way to the piece of lamb that is used to slaughter him. The speckled band has a red herring type of title. It leads you off the plot. You would think you wear a speckled band. There are gypsies staying in the premises and they would wear a speckled bandanna, you might think that they killed Helen but you later find out that the snake was the murderer. Sherlock Holmes is a very clever man compared to the police. He is very good at making deductions like when he says ' you have come in by train this morning I see' then you later find out that he just sees the second half of a return ticket in the palm of her hands. He also pays a lot of attention to detail as shown when he notices the dummy bell rope, the ventilator that does not ventilate, and the bed is bolted to the floor. He is an intelligent man because he does not say if he has any

  • Word count: 1319
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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