Roll of Thunder

How is racism and prejudice projected out in this novel 'Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry,' and what does it tell about the culture and traditions of the society? The novel, 'Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry,' was written by a black American writer, Mildred D. Taylor. She was born in Jackson, Mississippi during the 1940's. Mildred and her family lived there since the time of the slavery. She dedicated this novel to her father, who she claims 'played an important role in her life.' Mildred was aware of her culture, her history and her heritage being connected to the indifference of the whites to the blacks during those days. It was perhaps the difference in the status of both of their sides and the skills that she had inherited from her father that inspired and encouraged her to write the novel. This novel is set in the 1930's, in the southern state of Mississippi. The United States of America back then, until now, was formed by a number of states. These states made their own laws about internal matters but when it came to Federal laws, the President would be the one to issue their laws. Back then, the Southern states of America relied on agriculture whereas the Northern states were more industrialized. In the Southern states of America, the land was worked on predominantly by the black slaves. These black slaves were imported from Africa during the 17th century. This action was

  • Word count: 5495
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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How important is the setting and historical background of the novel "roll of thunder, Hear my Cry?

The America that "Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry" is set in, is so hugely different from the one that we have today. 1930's America was a place of turbulence. The consumer market had been saturated with goods. For a while this was a good thing, people bought them and the economy did well. However, after a while, so many people had bought the goods that there was no market for them now. Mississippi was hit hard by the depression. Before the farmer had over produced cotton and the price had fallen. To sell more, they cut their prices. Within a few year, cotton prices had fallen from two dollars a bushel to just twenty-five cents a bushel. While everyone was suffering, blacks, like the Logan family were suffering even more. The majority of blacks were share croppers and had participated boom in the first place, due to the way that they were treated by those whose land they worked on. Racism was always stronger in the Southern States than the Northern ones. Even though it had been around seventy years since the Emancipation Proclamation had been declared, many whites did not see blacks as equal to them, even though they had never been slave owners themselves. In the novel, the books that the children receive from the county are in very poor condition. They have only been given to the black children once that are in too bad a condition to be given the white children. This would

  • Word count: 863
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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How does Mildred D. Taylor present the complexities of the south through the eyes of two contrasting characters?

How does Mildred D. Taylor present the complexities of the south through the eyes of two contrasting characters? The successful and renowned author Mildred D. Taylor was born in Mississippi, Jackson and has used her excellent writing style to create the thrilling and compelling novel "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" to put across her knowledge and experience of the complexities of the south when there was legalised segregation of Blacks and Whites. The interesting and diverse characters in this story were skilfully created by Taylor to put across the varied and often devastating injustices that regularly occurred in the south during The Great Depression of the 1930s. For the purposes of this essay I will be discussing the experiences and reactions of two very different characters, Uncle Hammer and Mr. Morrison. The reason for my choice is that I feel they are characters that in some way stand out when looking at their experiences and actions in regards to the question. They are two very diverse characters particularly physically Mr Morrison was a "human tree in height, the long trunk of his massive body, his skin the deepest of ebony" relating to where he came from which was two "strong like bulls" parents which suggested that he had a family heritage of stud farms. Uncles hammer "dark, red-brown skin, a square jawed face". These two men are used in this novel to

  • Word count: 683
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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An Examination of Racism in the Deep South of America From the1930's to the 1960's through a variety of texts.

An Examination of Racism in the Deep South of America From the1930's to the 1960's through a variety of texts. "Race: a group of persons having a common ancestor... family, kindred people, genus, species, breed, variety, or class of persons..." That is what the dictionary says, so why so much hatred, politics and fuss?? The Anglo - American slave trade, started in the 16th century when the first Hispanic people settled in Mexico and the Caribbean. From there, the other Europeans who migrated took black Africans to work on their cotton and tobacco plantations. This started the very wealthy "Slave Triangle" in which many Captains sought profit. The ships would sail empty from England, Spain, France or Portugal to the African countries to catch slaves. After filling their holds with human cargo they would set sail for the Caribbean. Once there, the Captains sold the slaves to the dealers in return for cotton or tobacco, which they would sell for a large profit back at home. These slaves were then the full property of their masters and he or she could do anything they liked to them and treat them in anyway they wanted to. One example of this is an advertisement in the 'Royal Gazette (Kingston Jamaica)' saying;

  • Word count: 2652
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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How is Tension Created and the Effect in "Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry".

How is Tension Created and the Effect Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, is a novel that explains the racial issues and segregation that occurred in 1930s Mississippi. Mildred D Taylor explains to the reader that the white community had no intention of making the black's lives peaceful or danger free. D. Taylor creates danger in a number of ways. The first event fulfilled with tension is the Berrys' Burnings,' See them Berrys' burnin' wasn't no accident.' This event occurs at the beginning of the book which sends out a high level of tension when you start to read. By this event the audience begin to realise the racial issues that the black community have to face. The reader is also unaware of who is responsible for these happenings. The next high tension filled event is the behaviour of the bus driver and children towards the Logan family. When Little Man is walking to school in his Sunday best clean clothes, the other children hear the bus and tell him to go up into the mud on the mound at the side of the road to avoid the bus, 'you're gonna get them a whole lot dirtier you stay down there'. The bus driver plays games with the black children and torments them when taking the white children to school. This event shows the audience that it is not just the white children who are cynical and ignorant towards the blacks but also the adults are as immature as them. In the case

  • Word count: 1129
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Creative Writing Play : “Very Poor: nigra”

Creative Writing Play : "Very Poor: nigra" Setting- This is set a "narrow, sun-splotched road, which wound like a lazy red (sand) serpent dividing the high forest bank of quiet, old trees on the left from the cotton field, forested by giant green-and-purple stalks, on the right." The sky is blue and there are large grey clouds in the sky. However, every so often the sun peeps through the clouds. Character- There is only one character, which is Clayton Chester Logan, also known as Little Man. He is a six year-old Negro boy and has just finished his first day at school. Like his Uncle Hammer he has a "fiery temper". This fiery temper will be shown when acting. Little Man- "It's not fair, man (looking down). I never had a book before. Never in ma whole life (kicking the dust). Sure mama's got loads of books. But I ain't never had one of my own. So you could imagine how excited I was when Miz Crocker went an' told us we were getting "new books" (emphasising sarcastically 'new'). I nearly fell off of my seat I was so chuffed (laugh slightly to himself). I couldn't believe it, man. We were getting new books, well, that's what Miz Crocker said. How wrong she was (stuffing his fists inside his pocket)? I weren't the only boy in the room excited; ya could see it on their faces. It were my first day as well, getting new books, gee, it was som'int (a slight smile on his

  • Word count: 1589
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Roll of Tunder Hear My Cry

Roll of Tunder Hear My Cry Essay By Nam-Khoi Nguyen In the rural Mississippi of 1930 in Roll of Thunder Here My Cry, there seemed to be a severe problem with racial prejudice and discrimination against blacks. The blacks had the most minimum and low education. They barely had many job opportunities, and the jobs they had were low pay. They were never treated equal to the whites and were always kept down. Education had always been a major problem with the blacks in rural Mississippi. Blacks had leftover used materials like books, tables, chalk, chairs, and even boards that were once used by the white when they were new or working like when Little Man had gotten an old rugged book. The black children at school generally did not get new materials and were usually old, rugged, ripped, and dirty. The whites at Jefferson Davis school normally got two buses to ride and to come back from school, while all the black kids at Great Faith had to walk to their school, and also walk back to home. The books the black kids got at school only had pictures of white children and people, and did not teach about any black history and slavery at all so teachers were not allowed to teach any of it. All the blacks started school in October ending in March, but on the other hand, white children start school on August and end at May. The white children's school day also lasted longer than the

  • Word count: 667
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Original Writing - Prose:

"Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" by Mildred D.Taylor Three Entries from Cassie Logan's Diary: First Entry: Dear Diary, Today Big Ma asked me what the matter was because she said that I have been "moping 'round like I have whoopin' cough, flu and measles." she thinks I am sick... but if only she knew the truth! I wanted to tell her, to ask why those men came and if they wanted to hurt us, but she would be mighty angry if she knew I'd even been awake. If it weren't for the pact that I had made with Stacey, Christopher John and Little Man, I would have told Mama everything when she asked me if I had anything to tell her. I'll never forget how I felt that awful night! The tension in the house was high and the security I had felt before... was gone. When I fell asleep, Big Ma had been in a chair by the window, but, when I awoke in the middle of the night, she was gone! I was so scared; too scared to even move and I was shakin' like a leaf! Admittedly, I did relax a bit when I thought that the noise which I had heard was the boys, and then discovered that it was Jayson, our dog. Then, just as I was about to climb back onto the porch after falling into the flowerbed, I saw them. A caravan of headlights, coming closer and closer! I have never been so scared as I was during that moment! My legs felt like lead when the man walked slowly up the drive; I wanted to move, but couldn't.

  • Word count: 1399
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry - Strawberry

My essay is based on the novel "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" which is set in Mississippi in the 1930s where whites have the authority to obtain control of black citizens. Mildred Taylor describes in her novel the racial hatred that the whites felt for blacks. This racial hatred insisted on white superiority in every aspect of life. For example the whites did not want blacks to own property or black people were not welcome in places reserved for whites. Also for those who stepped out of line, they lived in fear of the 'Night men' or Ku Klux Klan who dealt out there own brand of justice; which often meant a lynching without any trial. The story is narrated by Cassie, the nine-year-old-daughter of David and Mary Logan. Therefore the entire novel is seen from Cassie's perspective. As she is a child, this brings a fresh, spontaneous, direct style to the events, but at the same time it narrows our responses. This also affects the structure of the novel as Cassie needs to hear and experience everything that goes on around her, either directly (i.e. she is present) or indirectly (i.e. she hears it from someone else or eavesdrops). The main racial events in the book happen in different places: the Logan home; the Great Faith Elementary School; in Strawberry; in the white stores owned by Mr Wallace and Mr Barnett; on the land of Mr Harlan Granger; and on the long, dusty or muddy

  • Word count: 1694
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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What is the importance of family in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry?

What is the importance of family in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry? The novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, is set in Mississippi, in the Deep South of America, in the 1930's and covers a year in the life of the Logan family. The Logans are a respectable black family closely bound in love, respect, and support for each other. The story is told through the young eyes of Cassie Logan and through her experiences we see the great importance of family throughout the novel. Family plays one of the most important themes of the story and it seems as though the author, Mildred Taylor created the Logan family to present them as a role model family for life. Throughout the novel, the guiding role of parents is clearly shown by Mama and Papa Logan. They teach their four children by example at several points in the story. One of these times is when Mama covers the offensive pages in the books at school. The other teachers regard mama as something of a maverick because of her liberal views. When told that her children have, "got to learn how things are", she replies that they will, but they don't necessarily, "have to accept them". She glues paper over the offensive pages, despite what others think, and therefore shows Cassie and Little Man the way to behave when an incident like this occurs. Mama and Papa use firm discipline with their children throughout the story. This is shown when

  • Word count: 2176
  • Level: GCSE
  • Subject: English
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