Essay - Explorers or Boys Messing About

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Abdulahad Pervez

289 10.2

Does the writer Steven Morris, present the men as explorers or boy messing about?

Comment on point of view of the writer and how he uses facts and opinions.

What words and phrases present the men in a certain way? (Be specific- verbs? Adjectives?  Adverbs?)

Character impression


            As we begin to read the article Steven Morris has written, our first impressions we get are very one sided. He described the boys more like “boys messing about” rather than professional explorers. It then shifts our opinions to make us see the other side of the men and their background experiences. In this essay I will explore why he portrayed the men as he did and how he did it effectively. I will also share my opinionated thoughts and feelings about the men.

         If we start at the very beginning of the article, the title already starts our questioning about whether these men are real explorers. We understand that the taxpayers are the one who are suffering for the acts of the two individuals.  Also the subheading also implies childlike behavior, “duo plucked from life-raft”. The writer uses the word duo rather than, team or squad; doing this shows us that he is undermining the men and portraying them as young boys. In the first paragraph he already starts insulting them, “their last expedition ended in farce...” This confirms that they have already been on many “expeditions” and they all ended up just like this one. Also the word “farce” makes it sound like a comical act in a play. This also cross-references with the taxpayers having to pay for their actions once again. Continuing, he then talks about how much effort it took to rescue these two men, “A nine-hour rescue”. The writer then explains who was involved in the rescue, “the royal navy, the RAF and the British coastguards.” The money needed to use these people costs the tax payers even more money.

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          The writer in the next paragraph then mentions the opinions of experts and what they think of the men’s choices. “Experts questioned the wisdom of taking a small helicopter.” This is a very useful and smart technique that the writer has done. He has used the word “experts”. This wins our vote over the men’s unreasonable decision; this makes us believe that they didn’t know what they were doing. “He said they were both in the life-raft but were okay and could I call the emergency people.” This quote is what he told his ...

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A strong case is made here for the conclusion that the men are "boys messing about". Quotations are appropriate and well integrated into the sentence structures. The present tense is used effectively when referring to the text, with only one slip. Punctuation is frequently faulty and some sentence construction is ungrammatical. 3 stars.