Examine how James creates the atmosphere and tension of a ghost story in the opening chapters of Henry James' The Turn of the Screw

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Examine how James creates the atmosphere and tension of a ghost story in the opening chapters of ‘The Turn of the Screw’

The Turn of the Screw is a Victorian ghost story. It is written in the gothic style and is structured as a story within a story. It is about a man telling a ghost story to a group of house guests in front of the fire on a dark Christmas Eve. The man, Douglas, tells the guests a story about a newly appointed governess who has been taken on by a mysterious bachelor to look after his two young wards. However, that is only the beginning. Although it fits some of the obvious clichés found in Victorian ghost stories, it is different to most typical Victorian ghost stories because it involves two young children causing harm. That was unheard of at that time. This essay will look at how the author, Henry James, creates the atmosphere and tension in the story by the way he structures the story, the language he uses and the descriptions of the characters and scenes.

When people think of ghost stories today, we often expect the usual stereotypical styles. For example, we imagine a dark stormy night in a big old country house, where everyone is remarkably posh. In Victorian times these were key elements to a ghost story. In modern day times we expect different things though, a weird twist and a different plot, otherwise people will think it is boring and not really scary because we can predict what is going to happen. Henry James’s story is more like a modern ghost story in this respect.

The prologue builds tension straight away. In the very first sentence, the author commands the readers’ expectations of the story by telling us that this will be a frightening tale. “The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless” - this makes us wonder - how could a story make us feel like this? He sets the scene by telling us it is Christmas Eve so the reader knows that it’s cold and dark outside. These facts fit the conventions of a ghost story. The narrator also says that his tale took place in an old house, just like the one that the group are staying in. This suggests that it will be dark and dusty and makes his audience feel apprehensive from the start.

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The narrator tells how the group have been told a ghost story, but then the narrator notices that one character, Douglas, has not been paying much attention. He suspects that Douglas has an even more shocking story to tell. Later on Douglas confirms this by saying “If the child gives the effect another turn of the screw, what do you say to two children -?” Not finishing his sentence makes the listeners reach their own conclusion that it must be even scarier. The story he is going to tell takes place in a house similar to the one they are ...

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