Explain the Roman Catholic view of marriage showing how the various symbols and words of the sacrament of marriage support these views.

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Lots of people, male and female, spend there childhoods dreaming about the big day. White dresses, fresh flowers, big church and of course the rings, just to name a few of the important things needing to be arranged. People spend months preparing the big day. The list of things to do never ends food, clothes, guest list and reception. But how often do we stop and think about the Christian beliefs on marriage. When did we last ask what do the rings mean? Dress mean? Vows mean? These are just a few of the questions I will try to answer in the following:

Catholics only have one major rule about marriage. They may have lots of others that are equally important but one stands out from the rest for me, LOVE. Christians believe that the foundation of marriage should be love and only love. Love plays a lot in the role of marriage, as it is not just enough to care for someone but to love is important. Ones love is shown in the vows and the words said in the vows. The vows are a promise of commitment and faithfulness;

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“Better or for worse”


These words mean we should love our husband/wife through the highlights of married life but we should stick by each others side through the hard low times of married life. This is like the story in the bible of the man who asked god why through the hard the bad times of his life were why there only one set of foot prints, this is like us we need to carry our partners in hard times.

Christians believed that Jesus believed that separation is wrong and people should not separate because to separate is ...

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